The department heads who advise the president.
What is the cabinet?
He is the First President of the United States
Who is George Washington?
The first ten amendments to the Constitution
What is the Bill of Rights
What caused the Whiskey Rebellion?
opposition to a tax on whiskey
Explorers of Louisiana Territory
Lewis and Clark
Which Supreme Court Case did Native Americans win to keep their land?
Worcester v. Georgia
What is free enterprise?
What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
For these persons, Georgia was founded as a colony.
What are Convicts and Indebtors?
The first head of the Department of State
Who was Thomas Jefferson?
What are the three branches of the government?
Judicial Branch
Executive Branch
Legislative Branch
The Federalist strongly supported a
strong centralized government
What was the Fifteenth Amendment?
The right to vote for all freedmen
America's refusal to take sides in the war between Britain and France
Proclamation of Neutrality
What did Washington warn against in his "Farewell Address"?
foreign alliances
What was Manifest Destiny?
The first document in the America's that encouraged self-government.
What is the Mayflower Compact?
Established the nation's first cabinet
Who is George Washington?
What are the Principles of the Constitution?
Limited Government
Individual Rights
Popular Sovereignty
Checks and Balances
Separation of Powers
What was impressment?
after sailors were captured and forced to serve in a foreign navy
a party that supported the common people and favored a small, limited government
The Sedition Act granted the president the power to
prohibit "treasonous" speech
Civil War
What were Radical Republicans?
Republicans who favored extreme approach to Reconstruction
This Document that incited the American Revolution
What is the Declaration of Independence?
The first secretary of the treasury
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
What was the "deal breaking" clause that Anti-federalist required the Constitution to include for ratification?
Bill of Rights
The Alien Acts granted the president the power to
expel or imprison immigrants
a party that supported industry, a growing centralized government, and rule by property owners
Who fought for women's suffrage in the 19th century?
Susan B. Anthony
Whose argument resulted in the creation of the Federalist and Anti-Federalists?
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton
Why did Forty-niners and others rush to California?
Francis Scott Key is known for writing this.
What is "The Star Spangled Banner?"
This issue first opened a debate over constitutional interpretation?
creation of a national bank
The main objectives of the First National Bank were to issue a unified currency and to
provide loans to local businesses
America's second president
John Adams
What was the 2nd revival of religious feeling in the United States?
Second Great Awakening
What invention increased slavery in the South?
Cotton Gin
Which treaty ended the American Revolution?
Treaty of Paris 1783
What doctrine prohibited Europe from entering in affairs in the Western Hemisphere?
Monroe Doctrine