The Gilded Age and Progressive Era
US Imperialism
Roaring '20s and Great Depression
World War II
The Early Cold War

Who were the "Captains of Industry" or "Robber Barons" in the Gilded Age?

What is... Successful businessmen that changed industry in America (Carnegie, Rockefeller, etc.)


Why did the U.S. want to build the Panama Canal?

What is to make shipping faster from East to West Coast


What was the "Red Scare"?

What is the fear of communists after the Russian Revolution happened during WWI.

What made the U.S. get involved in WWII?

What is Pearl Harbor


Policy/Idea that the U.S. adopted to stop communism from spreading

What is Containment


Why is this time period called the "gilded" or gold covered age?

What is... because is looked good on the outside but was bad for many people in reality


What was the type of Warfare fought on the Western Front in WWI?

What is trench warfare


What was one major cause of the Great Depression?

What is... the stock market crash on 1929, bank failures, people buying on margin


Where did the D-Day landings occur? 

What is Normandy, France


First asian country the United States got involved in concerning communism 

What is Korea! (Supporting South Korea)


What did Labor Unions want during the Gilded Age?

What is... higher pay and regulated working hours

How did the Spanish American War help make the U.S. a world power?

What is the U.S. defeated a European power and annexed overseas territories (like the Philippines)


What were the different populations targeted by the KKK?

What is... Black Americans, Jewish Americans, and Catholic immigrants 


What order violated the rights of Japanese Americans, forcing them to internment camps?

What is Executive Order 9066

Alliance between Soviet/Communist nations during the Early Cold War (made in response to NATO)

What is the Warsaw Pact


What changed with the "New Wave" of immigration from Europe? 

What is ... immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe instead of immigrants from Western Europe.


What was the contribution of the American Expeditionary Force during WWI? 

What is they gave the allies enough manpower to defeat Germany in France


What was the Scopes "Monkey" trial about?

What is the issue of teaching evolution in public schools


What multinational organization was created after WWII?

What is the United Nations?


Two American spies (married to each other) that sold U.S. secrets about atomic warfare to the Soviet Union

What is Ethel and Julius Rosenberg


What was the impact of the muckrakers who wrote about the problems of the Gilded Age during the Progressive Era?

They influenced the government to pass progressive laws that would help fix the problems of the Gilded Age


Why did the U.S. Senate NOT ratify the Treaty of Versailles and let the U.S. join the League of Nations?

What is because they thought being in the League of Nations would drag the U.S. into more foreign wars


What was FDR's plan for the Great Depression AND what things did he establish under this plan?

What is the New Deal and "ABC" agencies like the Social Security Administration


What did the GI Bill provide to ALL veterans after WWII?

What is funding for a college education


Name of the United States' plan to provide money and supplies to Western European countries in order to keep them from becoming communist

What is the Marshall Plan