World War 1 main causes
Spanish American War-Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines
American Imperialism- Panama, Hawaii and Alaska
Treaty of Versailles and Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points
World War 1: Events that drove the USA to join the war

Who was the main aggressor at the beginning of the war?



Who won the Spanish American War?

The Unites States 


Who did the United States acquire Alaska from? 



Where was the Treaty of Versailles signed?

Paris, France


Who were the American merchant ships destroyed by?



What is known as the spark that started WW1?

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.


Which 2 of the following territory's did America gain in the outcome of the Spanish American War?

Philippines, Italy, Panama, Cuba 

Philippines and Cuba


What 2 things did the United States want in Panama?

Finish the Panama canal, Take control of Panama, Free the Panamanian people, Make Columbia angry

Finish the Panama Canal, Free the Panamanian people.


Which 2 of the following was in Wilson's 14 points?

Establishment of the league of Nations, Reduction of Military Arms, Wanted to take territory from Germany, Force Germany to pay reparations

Establishment of the League of Nations, Reduction of Military Arms


What is this letter that was sent from Germany to Mexico?

Zimmerman Teller


What does each letter of M.A.I.N stand for?

Militarism, Alliances, imperialism, Nationalism


Why Did America want to free Cuba from Spanish rule?

America wanted to free Cuba from Spanish rule to protect business interests in Cuba. And due to blowback from community after the USS Maine sank.


Why did the United States want Hawaii?

The Location due to Military reasons, sugar for economic reasons.


How did The Treaty of Versailles effect Germany's economy?

Forced Germany to pay reparations in the sum of 269 billion dollars.


How were the American Ships destroyed by Germany?

Unrestricted submarine warfare.


How did secret diplomacy lead to so many countries engaging in a World War?

The conflict started as a dispute between two nations but these secret alliances made it so more countries came out to defend there allies and from there it was a domino effect.


Why did the United States feel pressured to starting the war?

The pushback from the publics response to yellow journalism which accused Spain of sinking the U.S.S Maine.


Why did the United States want to acquire Alaska?

The United States wanted raw materials and Alaska was a strategic place for trade and defence.


Why did the European Allied powers want to punish Germany so harshly?

The majority of fighting took place in their territory and suffered many casualties.


Why did Germany send the Zimmerman teller?

They sent it in hopes that Mexico would pre occupy the U.S. so they could be left alone in Europe.


What was the impact that Militarism played on the start of WW1?

All countries were spending tons of money on their militaries trying to have the best in the world which led to tensions between world powers.


What is the impact that yellow journalism caused in the Spanish- American war in Cuba?

Yellow journalism pushed America into the war in Cuba and it also helped to gain support from the American People to start the war.


What is the impact that purchasing Alaska from Russia played on the economy?

The purchase of Alaska led to production of oil and many other things such as gold.


What are the arguments for the 14 points being chosen over the Treaty of Versailles?

Wilson's 14 points was made to establish lasting peace by the nations and the Treaty of Versailles was made to just punish Germany. 


What is the impact of the Zimmerman Teller and unrestricted submarine warfare?

Both of these things pushed the United States into the war and they both were done by Germany who was the main aggressor of the war.