Pre-Revolution (1763-1775)
Revolution (1775 - 1783)
Forming a Government (1783 - 1788)
Governing (1789 - 1805)
In his pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas Paine urged American colonists to
(establish their own nation)
At Lexington and Concord, colonists and British soldiers fought because the British left Boston in order to
Capture colonial leaders and weapons
The main problem with the Articles of Confederation was... (give at least one example)
they created a weak national government that could not 1. tax 2. regulate commerce 3. have an executive or judicial branch
What is the Unwritten Constitution and what is one example of it?
traditions that the government follows that are not in the constitution (e.g. cabinet)
Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton got into a duel because....
Hamilton ensured Burr lost the Presidency and they both traded insults about each other
No taxation without representation means...
What is (people should not be taxed unless they have representatives who approve the taxes)
The Battle of Saratoga was an important turning point in the American Revolution because...
It convinced the French to officially join the colonists side
Name the 3 branches, how they each are chosen, and one power of each branch.
1. Legislative, Judicial, Executive 2. Elected by people, state legislatures, electoral college, appointed by president and confirmed by senate 3. make laws, enforce laws, interpret laws
What was Alexander Hamilton's financial plan?
to collect state debts and pay off as entire nation, which meant taxing and starting national bank
What were the first two political parties? Explain at least 1 big difference they had?
Federalist and Anti-Federalist (rich v poor)
Which two key principles of government are included in the Declaration of Independence?
What is (consent of the governed and natural rights)
Yorktown is an important battle in the American Revolution because it...
What is (was the battle that ended the war as the British surrendered to French and American forces)
Federalism is the principle that...
Governmental power should be split between the state and national government
Judicial Review is
the power of the Supreme Court to determine if laws or actions of the President and Congress are constitutional
What is checks and balances? What is one example
How each branch of government checks and balances the power of the other branches. For example, Presidential veto
Historians have often debated whether the colonial motivations for the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence were _____ or _______
What is (ideological or economic (selfish))
Give at least 3 reasons why the Patriots were able to defeat a Great Britain (who had a superior Army and Navy).
1 (France's support in resources, troops, and navy) 2 (training of Prussia general - Baron von Steuben) 3. (Guerrilla Warfare) 4. (more commitment to their cause) 5. (spying)
Shay's Rebellion impacted the way people thought about....
the articles of confederation and having a weak government that could not pay off debts or provide for the poor
The Election of 1800 saw power change hands from _____ to ____. How played a big role in this result?
Federalists (Adams) to Democratic-Republicans (Jefferson) Because Hamilton didn't like Burr
What was the 3/5 Compromise?
Compromise between Southern and Northern states about how to count enslaved people for the purposes of determining the population that the house of reps would be based off of
Describe at least two ways in which the French and Indian War led to the American Revolution?
1. Proclamation Line of 1763 2. End of Salutary Neglect (enforcing laws due to debt) 3. Creation of new taxes (due to debt)
The French had two conditions before they would agree to join the colonists to fight against Britain...
1. Declare independence 2. Prove they could hold their own in battles against Britain
Describe 2 of the problems that the Great Compromise solved and explain how it solved them
1. Big states v small states (Virginia v New Jersey plans) 2. Direct v Representative Democracy (federalist v anti-federalist - number of reps and how they are elected)
The Marshall Court is most known for its decisions that... give at least one example
increased the power of the Federal Government over the states, and the power of the Judicial Branch
What was the purpose of the Bill of Rights? What did they do? Describe at least two rights.
They limited the power of the federal government by protecting rights of the individual and state. Right to freedom of speech, right to a speedy trial, right to bear arms, etc.