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This tribe’s name means “ancient outsiders”

What does Anasazi mean?


This country was defeated by England because of a great storm.

Where/what country was defeated by England?


These people, called Separatists in England because of their desire to separate from the Anglican Church, were persecuted by agents of the throne.

Who were the Pilgrims?


This colony was originally made for the Catholics, but Protestants looking for money made the Catholics a minority in the colony.

Where/What is Maryland?


The Transatlantic Trade was also called this. It involved three continents, a lot of money, some cargo and sugar, and millions of African slaves.

What is the Triangular Trade?


This tribe was helpful in WWII for their language which served as a code for the Marines

Who/What are the Navajo?


This sea dog arguably was the first to sail around the world.

Who was Sir Francis Drake?


This famous college in Massachusetts Bay was made in 1636 to train Puritan Ministers.

What is Harvard College?


 Indentured servants worked under this system which would provide them with land and bonus payments after their servitude was over.What is/was the headright system

What is/was the headright system?


This type of slavery was the most brutal and the one practiced in America Colonies.

What is Chattel Slavery?


this vocabulary word describes the multiple cultures and Native American Experiences.



This is the system that Britain used to help them colonize America.

What was the Joint-Stock company?


The English monarch, King Charles II, decided to take over New Amsterdam. And this colony was named this for its new owner, the Duke of York, King Charles’ brother.

What/where is New York?


The southern colonies either had really poor people or really rich people. This meant that they couldn’t develop this.

What is the middle class?


These laws were made by the white because of their fear of rebellion toward the black as they grew greater in number.

What is the Slave Codes?


This tribe followed the buffalo as Nomads

Who/what are the Lakota 400?


This chief fought with the Jamestown colony because the colonists raided his tribe during starving time. He only stopped when his daughter was captured.

Who was Powhatan?


The middle colonies contained Native American tribes of this tribe and Iroquois language groups as well as a sizable percentage of African slaves during the early years.

What/who are the Algonkian tribes?


This man created Georgia in an attempt to create a utopia.

Who was George Oglethorpe?


This place in New York became famous and powerful thanks to the slave auctions held there.

Where is wall street?


This tribe was mostly pacifistic

Who/what are the Hopis?


This legislative assembly in Virginia held its first meeting in 1619 on the minimum price of tobacco.

What is the house of Burgesses?


This woman questioned the idea of predestination and was arrested for heresy, and then banished. She moved to Rhode Island for a while. 

Who was Anne Hutchinson?


This act was to protect the Catholic minority, passed by the Maryland legislature in 1649. This act granted religious freedom to all Christians.

What is the Maryland Act of Toleration?


Slave owners didn’t recognize this between slaves, which made it easier for them to break up families.

What is Marriage?