Person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country is...
What immigrant?
This country became the sight of a canal after they won their independence from Colombia (with the help of US Navy vessels)...?
What is...Panama?
Extreme scarcity of food is...
What is...famine?
These individuals move around in search of food and water...?
What are...nomads?
This boat exploded, tipping off the beginning of the Spanish-American War (partially due to Yellow Journalism)...?
What is...the USS Maine?
Mass-housing for the poor with limited windows, shared bathrooms, and garbage-filled air shafts were called...?
What are...tenements?
This Act gave citizens the opportunity to claim up to 160 acres of land for a low price if they worked it for five years...?
What is...The Homestead Act?
This animal was central to the lives of Indians in the west/midwest. They used every part for food, clothing, etc...
What are...bison?
These groups were accused of voter fraud, kickback, bribery, etc. during the Gilded Age. These powerful democrats basically controlled cities and were run by "bosses" like William Tweed...
What are...political machines?
This group was not allowed to immigrate to the US starting in 1882 due to racism from nativists who believed them to be dirty, unintelligent, and job stealers...
Who are...the Chinese (Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882)
Ambition of a powerful country to dominate the political, economic, and cultural affairs of another nation or region is...?
What is...imperialism?
This act broke up Indian Tribes and provided Indian men with a plot of land to farm...
What is...The Dawes Act?
These new inventions made it easier for people to work in cities while living in the suburbs (or on the other side of town)...?
What are...street cars and trains?
Belief that expansion of the US through the American continents was justified and inevitable was called...?
What is...Manifest Destiny?
This plant was plagued by man issues following the Civil War such as; soil infertility, price drops, and boll weevils...?
What is...cotton?
One country taking another country's land is...
What is...annexation?
This 16-ship, round the world tour was meant to show off US naval power around the world...?
What is...the "Great White Fleet"?
This amendment gave all men no matter their race the right to vote...?
What is...the 15th Amendment?
Many African Americans and poor whites worked land owned by others. In exchange for their use of land, tools, and seed, these workers gave part of their harvest to landowners. This was called being...?
What is...a sharecropper?
This amendment abolished slavery throughout the United States and was a requirement for the Confederates to rejoin the Union...?
What is...The 13th Amendment
The process of a minority changing to resemble the dominant group is...
What is...assimilation?
These were laws that segregated white and black citizens in public. Ex. Separate bathrooms/water fountains, schools, etc...?
What are...Jim Crow Laws?
This was the exclamation made by prospectors who found valuable veins of ore...?
What is...BONANZA?!
Being deprived of the right to vote is...?
What is...disenfranchisement?
When was the last year that the winter and summer olympics were held in the same year...
What is...1992?