Gilded Age
Progressive Age
Imperialism and WWI
Great Depression-New Deal

What was the Gilded Age?

The time period when the US became an industrial powerhouse but most Americans experienced poor living and working conditions


What did Prohibition lead to?

A rise in crime rate


What is the United States response to the beginning of WW I?

To remain neutral


What was the Red Scare?

Fear of Communism


This weather phenomena hit the Mid West just as the Great Depression hit the US economy.

What is the Dust Bowl?


What was the problem of over-crowding in large cities?

Unsanitary living conditions, inadequate ventilation in houses, crime


What is a muckraker?

A journalist who exposed the hidden truths about different industries


This policy stated that the U.S. could trade in any port of China.

What is the Open Door Policy toward China?


Which amendment granted women's suffrage?

19th Amendment


Reason the stock market and US economy crash causing the Great Depression.

What is the overspeculation of stock market industries and buying on credit?


Name for a company that has complete control over its section of the market. 

Monopoly or Trust

Identify a muckraker from the Progressive Era and name the topic they exposed to the public.

Upton Sinclair - unsanitary meatpacking industry

Jacob Riis - conditions in tenements NYC 

Ida B. Wells - lynching of African Americans through the US

 Ida Tarbell - Monopolies like Standard Oil

Thomas Nast - Political corruption


The victory in this conflict gave the US possession of the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. 

What is the Spanish-American War?


What invention created an increase in a shared national culture and experience

What is the radio?


President Hoover's lack of intervention to deter the Great Depression created this major protest.

What is the Bonus Army?


What were two items that were invented during the gilded age?

Light Bulb, Telephone, Assembly line, Elevator, Airplane, Kodak Camera, Automobiles


What is the purpose of the NAACP?

Achieving racial equality for African Americans


Name a reason for U.S. expansionism in the 1890's

A need for foreign markets for U.S. goods

Control of strategic bases and shipping routes

Competition for colonization from Europe

To spread Christianity

Ethnocentric Beliefs

Re-awakening of African American pride in the 1920's
What is the Harlem Renaissance?

How did the New Deal change American political thinking about the power of the Federal government?

Federal government should attempt to solve social and economic problems. Increase federal power to regulate and stimulate industry.


In the late 1800's, large corporations fired workers who attempted form to these kinds of organizations

What are labor unions?


What is the 16th amendment?

Gave Congress the power to impose an income tax


Why did Congress refuse to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and President Wilson's 14 Points of Peace?

Joining the League of Nations could draw the US into foreign wars.


How did Laisses Faire policies encourage big business in the 1920s? 

Lack of government oversight and regulation allowed for trusts to form and the rights of workers be ignored


The New Deal was made to provide Relief, Recovery, and Reform. Name a specific program of the New Deal and its purpose.

Civil Conservation Corps (CCC) - employment of single men and promote conservation of environment

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) - protection from floods and create electrical grid in the Ten. Valley.

Works Progress Administration (WPA) - employment and building of infrastructure like roads and hospitals

Social Security Administration (SSA) - provide direct relief to the elderly and people with disabilities

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) - insured money deposited into participating banks

National Recovery Act (NRA) - Federal regulation of industries including creating minimum wages