
President Carter met with the President from Egypt and Israel for face-to-face negotiations between the two countries, after which an agreement was reached known as the ______ ________ _______.

Camp David Accords, Iran Hostage Crisis, or Dec. of Ind, 

What is the Camp David Accords


The Berlin Wall was built in 1961, separating East and West Berlin.  Which major nation controlled either side?

Russia and England, Italy and the US, Russia and the US

Russia and the US


This was the closest the world has ever come to a nuclear war.

Berlin Air Lift, Cuban Missile Crisis, War in Afghanistan

What is the Cuban Missile Crisis


Name two Axis Power countries at the end of WWII

Germany and Russia, Italy and France, Japan and Germany

What is Germany and Japan


This lasted for nearly twenty years and ended with the Fall of Saigon and the country being taken over by Communists

WWI, Korean War, Vietnam War

What is the Vietnam War


The belief that if South Vietnam were to fall to Communism, other countries near it like Cambodia, Laos and Thailand would soon face the same outcome.

Vietnamization, Domino Theory, Iron Curtain

What is the "Domino Theory"


A ___________ _____ was caused by the American people feeling as though our government was lying to them, which led to many Americans losing faith in our governments reliability.

Credibility Gap, Trust Breech, Presidential Recall

What is Credibility Gap


This was the name of Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to end the Great Depression. DOUBLE POINTS if you can name its parts (3 R's)

Great Society, Reagonomics, the New Deal

What is New Deal (reform for the banking system, recovery for the economy, and relief for the needy)


This President was the first to resign office following the Watergate Scandal

Clinton, Ford, Nixon



This president came up with his own idea on how to fix the American economy known as "supply-side economics."  His beliefs became the pillar of Republican Principals

George W Bush, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton

Ronald Reagan


This man from Cuero, Texas won a Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroism during the Vietnam War

Alvin York, Norman Schwarzkopf, Roy Benavidez

What is Roy Benavidez


What was the gradual removal of U.S. troops by Richard Nixon beginning the end of our involvement 

Reagonomics, Bushism, Vietnamization

What is Vietnamization


Which country took Americans hostage and held for them for 444 days until the day Ronald Reagan took office as President

Vietnam, China, Iran

What is the Iranian Hostage Crisis


First female Supreme Court Justice

Sandra Day O'Connor, Elena Kagen, Sonia Sotomayor

What is Sandra Day O'Connor


Which piece of legislation desegregated the U.S., requiring equal treatment regardless of race?

Plessy V. Ferguson, Voting Rights Act of 1965, Civil Rights Act of 1964

What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964


Which couple was arrested and ultimately killed for spying on the US in the early Cold War?

The Roosevelts, The Clintons, The Rosenbergs

The Rosenbergs


This started following Saddam Hussein's (Iraq) invasion of Kuwait for oil and his refusal to withdraw from the country following requests from the United Nations to do so.

Persian Gulf War, Cold War, War in Afghanistan

What is the Persian Gulf War (1990)


What term describes those who were born shortly after the return of American GI's from WWII?

Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation Z

Baby Boomers


This man championed the nonviolent Civil Rights Movement

WEB DuBois, Malcolm X, MLKJ



This act provided 160+ acres to families if they lived and worked it for 5 years

Dawes Act, Homestead Act, Executive Order 9066

Homestead Act

Which president "walked softly and carried a big stick"

FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D Eisenhower

Teddy Roosevelt


What was the name of the United States fighting force in WWI?


AEF (American Expeditionary Force)


What was the name of LBJ's domestic programs of reform.  This saw the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and Medicare/Medicaid all passed?

Great Society, the New Deal, Reagonomics

Great Society


What were the year's of the US involvement in WWII?

1917-1918, 1950-1953, 1939-1945 



Political scandal that occurred after five men were caught breaking into the Democratic National Committee's headquarters. 

Watergate, Iran-Contra, Obamacare

What is Watergate?