
President Carter met with the President from Egypt and Israel for face-to-face negotiations between the two countries, after which an agreement was reached known as the ______ ________ _______.

What is the Camp David Accords


This was built in 1961, separating East and West Berlin

What is the Berlin Wall


13 days in October that became the closest the world has ever come to a nuclear war

What is the Cuban Missile Crisis


Name two Axis Power countries

What is Germany, Japan, Italy


This lasted for nearly twenty years and ended with the Fall of Saigon and the country being taken over by Communists

What is the Vietnam War


The belief that if South Vietnam were to fall to Communism, other countries near it like Cambodia, Laos and Thailand would soon face the same outcome.

What is the "Domino Theory"


A ___________ _____ was caused by the American people feeling as though our government was lying to them, which led to many Americans losing faith in our governments reliability.

What is Credibility Gap


This was the name of Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to end the Great Depression. DOUBLE POINTS if you can name its parts (3 R's)

What is New Deal (reform for the banking system, recovery for the economy, and relief for the needy)


This international organization put an embargo on the U.S. in 1973, causing the price of oil to shoot up overnight.

What is O.P.E.C.


This president came up with his own idea on how to fix the American economy known as "supply-side economics" or "_______________"

What is Reaganomics


This man from Cuero, Texas won a Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroism during the Vietnam War

Who is Roy Benavidez


When Nixon took over as president during the Vietnam War, he incorporated _____________, which was the gradual removal of U.S. troops putting more of the war effort back onto the South Vietnamese

What is Vietnamization


Members at the U.S. embassy in Iran were taken hostage and held for 444 days until the day Ronald Reagan took office as president

What is the Iranian Hostage Crisis


First female Supreme Court Justice

Who is Sandra Day O'Connor


Which piece of legislation desegregated the U.S., requiring equal treatment regardless of race?

What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964


This "test" was established by the Schenck v. United States case. Name and describe the test.

What is "clear and present danger" test. World War I, can't speak out against the government during wartime because it creates a danger.


This started following Saddam Hussein's (Iraq) invasion of Kuwait for oil and his refusal to withdraw from the country following requests from the United Nations to do so.

What is the Persian Gulf War (1990)


This president created the national highway system in a decade of national prosperity (and fear of nuclear war).

Who is Dwight Eisenhower


This man founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Who is W.E.B. DuBois


Secret foreign policy operation during the Reagan administration that involved trading guns to "terrorists" in exchange for American hostages

What is Iran-Contra Affair


Incident during Harding's presidency in which government officials gave oil fields to private companies after receiving bribes

What is Teapot Dome Scandal


These three out of five generals led American troops in both Europe and the Pacific during WWII.

Who are Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Gen. George Patton, Gen. Omar Bradley, Gen. George Marshall.


Name four programs or pieces of legislation passed under LBJ's Great Society.

What is The Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, Medicare/Medicaid, Head Start, National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities (NPR, PBS, etc.), Housing projects, Welfare, food stamps, etc.


Wrote the "Feminine Mystique"

Who is Betty Friedan


Political scandal that occurred after five men were caught breaking into the Democratic National Committee's headquarters. 

What is Watergate?