Post Reconstruction
Westward Expansion
Labor Unions/Political Corruption

What Supreme Court Case established the “Separate But Equal” doctrine that established Jim Crow Laws in the South

Plessy v. Ferguson 


What term describes America’s belief that they were destined by God to expand across the North American continent?

Manifest Destiny


What was the name of the organization created to cultivate a farmers community through education and co-ops that was started by Oliver Kelly in 1867?

The Grange


What is an economic policy of minimum governmental interference in the economic affairs of individuals and society? 

Laissez-Faire Economics


List working conditions during the 2nd Industrial Age that contributed to the start of Labor Unions.

Long hours, low wages, dangerous working conditions


What was the name of divided living spaces within one building, that typically lacked indoor plumbing, adequate lighting, or ventilation and were associated with slums? 



Explain how Vagrancy Laws were used to circumvent the end of slavery. 

If black men didn't have a job, they could be arrested and forced back into slavery. 


What was the significance of the completion of the transcontinental railroad?

It connected the East and West coast. 


What organization worked on behalf of farmers by lobbying to the government and created a list of economic and political reforms known as the Ocala Demands?

Farmer's Alliance


What is the name of a business that gains complete control of a product or service? 



What act contributed to the end of the spoils system by requiring competitive exams to get government jobs? 

Pendleton Civil Service Act 


What was the first law to restrict immigration of a particular nationality into the U.S.? It also prevented members of that nationality already in the U.S. from gaining citizenship.

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 


List at least 3 ways in which African Americans were disenfranchised.

Poll tax, grandfather clause, literacy test, violence, property test


What is assimilation?

The process of a minority group taking on the customs or culture of a majority group. 


Why did farmers have a problem with banks and railroads?

They believed railroads had a monopoly and were charging unfair shipping rates and that banks were charging unfair interest rates on loans they needed for commercial farming equipment. 


What did the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act do? 

Interstate Commerce Act - required railroads to charge reasonable rates and prohibited price discrimination. 

Sherman Antitrust Act - outlawed monopolistic business practices that limit competition. 


What is a political party’s organization that wins voter loyalty and guarantees power to a small group of leaders who often abuse it for their own gain. (They were especially influential over immigrants) 

Political Machines


what is an intense mistrust and dislike of foreigners by the native-born population?



Explain the difference between the philosophies of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois.

Booker T Washington took a passive approach encouraging blacks to focus on education or developing a trade and not resisting Jim Crow Laws. Du Bois was more direct and wanted immediate equality and for blacks to have access to all civil rights granted by the Constitution. 


List 3 industries that grew economically due to Manifest Destiny.

Cattle, mining, farming, railroad 


Who gave the Cross of Gold Speech and what was the point of the speech?

William Jennings Bryan - the speech was made in support of bimetallism arguing that the Gold Standard hurt the economy and was bad for farmers. 


List 3 Captains of Industry of the Gilded Age and the industry they were associated with. 

John Rockefeller - Oil Industry 

Andrew Carnegie - Steel Industry 

Cornelius Vanderbilt - Railroad Industry 


How was the American Federation of Labor different from the Knights of Labor? 

The AFL only represented skilled male workers and didn't fight for social or economic change.  

What is Americinization and how did settlement houses contribute to Americinization? 

The process of influencing outsiders to adopt the American way of life and thinking. Settlement houses helped immigrants learn English, taught them how to dress and style like Americans, and provided American education to immigrant children. 


List the Reconstruction amendments and describe what each did.

13th - Abolished slavery

14th - Granted citizenship and equal protection under the law for all naturalized citizens, including former slaves

15th - Prohibited discrimination of voting rights based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude 


What was the primary difference between the Homestead Act and Dawes Act as it related to Native Americans?

The Homestead Act resulted in Native American land being taken exclusively to give to white settlers. The Dawes Act redistributed some Indian land back to Natives who were willing to assimilate into American culture. 


How did populists want to improve democracy and decrease the wage gap?

They wanted direct election of senators to reduce government corruption and a graduated income tax so that the rich paid more in taxes. 


Explain Horizontal & Vertical Integration and give an example of each. 

Horizontal - When a company buys or merges with companies in the same industry. ex: Rockefeller buying other oil companies to form the standard oil company 

Vertical - When a company buys elements of its supply chain to reduce cost and third-party dependency. ex: Andrew Carnegie bought or controlled companies that produced raw materials used in his steel products.  


What precedent was set by the results of the Pullman strike which hurt the cause of labor unions? 

The government forced strikers back to work due to mail stoppage which empowered businesses to lean on the courts to stop strikes. 

List 2 differences between old and new immigrants.