The Age of Discovery
Early American Settlements
The Pilgrims
The Colonies

Define:  explorer

someone who travels in order gain geographical or scientific information


Define:  Separatists

one who advocates separation from the establishment, especially a church


Define:  Pilgrims

devoted religious people traveling on a quest


Define:  treason 

to act against the govenment


Define:  independence



Why was it so important to European countries to find a faster route to Asia?

The spice and good trade was very profitable. A quicker trade route meant more profits.


Why was it so important to be able to make inferences about the mystery of the Lost Colony of Roanoke?

There are no primary resources to support a theory about the colony’s disappearance.


What were the reasons the Separatists wanted to colonize in Plymouth?

They wanted religious freedom from the Church of England and King James’ control.


Explain why the success of Plymouth inspired more people to come to the colonies?

Plymouth was successful so that meant there might be a good chance for a better life in the colonies.


Why was it so important to Samuel Adams that the American colonies break free from Great Britain?

Samuel felt that Great Britain was treating the colonies unfairly by taxing them without allowing them to have representation.


Why did Columbus’ journey mark the beginning of the Age of Discovery?

The success of Columbus inspired other explorers and countries to try their luck at exploration for wealth, power, and religion.


Why did Captain John White fail to return to Roanoke with supplies in a timely manner?

Spain and England were at war with one another. It was impossible for ships to leave port in England headed towards the North American continent.


Why do you think Plymouth succeeded while Jamestown failed?

Plymouth established the Mayflower Compact from the start. All colonists understood the expectations in the settlement. Governor Bradford provided excellent leadership, and the colony had good relations with the Wampanoag tribe.


Why would a man in the New England Colony feel he had more say in the government than he did in England?

Men who belonged to the church were allowed to vote in elections. This was not true in England.


Why did the Tea Act of 1773 anger colonists?

This act made it nearly impossible for colonists to buy tea from any other company except the British East India Company. The price of the tea was cheaper but the colonists did not like being forced to make their purchases from only one company. They began to realize that Great Britain was keeping a tighter and tighter hold on them.


Explain the theory of exploration for gold, glory, and God.

Europeans wanted to explore to become richer (gold), gain land and power (glory), and spread Christianity to natives (God).


Why is tobacco known as the “gold” of Jamestown?

Jamestown settlers hoped to get rich by finding gold and riches. They never found these treasures, but soon tobacco was a very successful cash crop to sell and trade.


What did Squanto do to help the Pilgrims?

He shared American Indian methods of farming.


What was important about plantations?

They were very large farms that produced cash crops such as rice, tobacco and cotton. They required many men in order to run them. Slaves were used to run the plantations.


Why did King George have his men mark certain trees in the colonies?

He wanted the tallest and strongest trees to be used to build ships for Great Britain.


Juan Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth. Were his explorations still a success? Why or why not.

Though he never found the mythical fountain, de Leon explored much of the Americas and claimed the land of Florida on the north American mainland for Spain.


Why was Jamestown converted to a royal colony in 1624?

The colony began having great difficulties with American Indians, many of the leaders were dishonest, and even more people died of diseases. To top it off the prices of tobacco dropped, making the colony even less profitable. King James took back control of Virginia.


What did the Pilgrims want to celebrate?

After a very difficult winter the Pilgrims were grateful to have homes, food, and peace.


How were slaves first discovered? 

Why did people of West Africa agree to trade slaves? 

Why do you think auctions were traumatic for slave families?

Early European traders saw enslaved people in West Africa.

The slaves could be traded for food, cloth, tobacco and guns; the opportunity to make money.

Many families were separated and sold at auctions. Many never saw one another again after the sale.


How were the militia soldiers and minutemen alike?

Both militia soldiers and minutemen were volunteer soldiers.