Key Terms
Key Characters
European Exploration
Agricultural South/Industrial North
English/Colonial Tensions

This is what we call a historical document by someone who was present at the actual event.

What is a primary source?


In 1492, _____________ sailed the ocean blue and discovered North America, even though he thought he had landed in India. 

Who is Christopher Columbus?


This man was the first man to circumnavigate the globe in the year 1519. 

Who is Ferdinand Magellan?


The South was more agricultural because of this geographical feature. 

What are deep rivers?

This group of people sided with the French in the French and Indian War.
Who are the Native Americans?

This is the religion started by King Henry VIII, because he wanted to divorce his wife. 

What is Anglicanism?

This man led a Puritan theocracy in Massachusetts.

Who is John Winthrop?


This man sparked interest in the East, after his travels to China in the year 1300

Who is Marco Polo?


Colonial America is characterized by an excess of ________________, but a sparsity of ____________________________________. 

what are land and labor? (in that order)


This is a term used to describe how England was not very attentive to its colonies, and how the colonies enjoyed the freedom that arose from this inattention 

what is salutary neglect?


this is the person who bears the blame for a mistake, error, or catastrophe

what is a scapegoat?


This man founded Pennsylvania as a safe place for Quakers to live. 

Who is William Penn?


These are the three "G's", which explain the three main reasons for European exploration

What are gold, god, and glory?


These are the three cash crops that were most popular in the Southern colonies

what are tobacco, rice, and indigo?


These are the two events that gave rise to a more cohesive identity among the colonies (2 events that unified the colonies)

What is The Great Awakening and The French and Indian War?

This was an economic philosophy that guided England in its treatment of the colonies. One of its core principles was that colonies would export raw materials, and the mainland would export manufacture goods. 

What is mercantilism?


The Father of the American Enlightenment (also the inventor of the lightning rod and bifocals!)

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


These are the four countries that led the world in exploration

what are France, England, Spain, and Portugal?


This is the kind of farming that was more popular in the North, where farmers would provide the goods for themselves and their families

what is subsistence farming?


This was created to limit colonial trade. However, the colonies ignored it, and the English did not enforce it. 

What are the Navigation Acts of 1651?


This philosophy claimed that individual experience, per the five senses, was the only authority on truth and reality.

What is empiricism?

This man claimed he possessed the Divine Right of Kings, which means he believed his authority was absolute, granted to him from God

Who is King James I


The English defeated the ____________________ in 1588, making them the top European power in the globe. 

What is the Spanish Armada?


This is the name of the largest slave rebellion during colonial times.

What is the Stono Rebellion?


This man felt that the colonies should finance their own protection, and consequently put into place a series of Acts that taxed the colonies' goods. 

Who is Grenville?