Tensions in Colonial America
Independence and Revolutionary War
Articles of Confederation
Early United States

What was the Stamp Act?

Law passed by Parliament in 1765 that taxed colonists for paper and all paper products.


When was the Declaration of Independence published?

July 4th, 1776


What were the Articles of Confederation?

The first government of the United States.


What are the 3 branches of government?

Legislative, Executive, and Judicial 


What is a Precedent?

An unwritten rule based on the actions of an early leader


What were the effects of the Tea Act?

Boston Tea Party and the passing of the Intolerable Acts.


What is the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

To declare the 13 colonies’ independence from Britain.


True or False: Under the Articles of Confederation the US government could not raise an army.

False, the US government could raise an army but struggled to pay for one.


What is the purpose of the Constitution?

To define how the US government works, law of the land


What were the first political parties in America?

Federalists and Democratic-Republicans


How did colonists react to the new taxes from Britain?

They protested and resisted them including boycotts, attacking tax collectors, and destroying British goods.


What are the unalienable rights listed in the Declaration of Independence?

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness


Which event proved to many founding fathers that the Articles of Confederation were too weak?

Shays' Rebellion


What is federalism?

The division of power between different levels of government including federal, state, and local governments.


What was significant about the Whiskey Rebellion?

It solidified the power of the federal government and proved that the government had the right to tax.


How did the French and Indian War contribute to tensions in Colonial America?

Britain went into debt and created new taxes on the colonies to pay back their debt, they also acquired new territory but refused to let colonists settle west of the Appalachian mountains


Why was the Battle of Saratoga significant?

Turning point in the war when the colonies received recognition and support from France


How many branches did the national government have under the Articles of Confederation?

1, Legislative


What was the ratification debate about?

Whether or not the Constitution protected individual rights.


What was Jefferson's intent in including the phrase "all men are created equal" in the Declaration of Independence?

Jefferson believed that nations had the right to self-government and determination. The phrase did not mean individual equality.


What is the significance of the Boston Massacre?

British troops fired on colonists protesting excise taxes, Paul Revere’s engraving served as anti-British propaganda 


What officially ended the American Revolution?

The Treaty of Paris in 1783


Why did the founding fathers want a weak national government under the Articles of Confederation?

They were afraid a strong national government would lead to tyranny similar to what they experienced under British rule.


What was the Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention?

The creation of a bicameral legislature with one representative in one house based on state population and each state having the same number of representatives in the other.


What advice did Washington give the nation in his Farewell Address?

Be cautious of political parties

Remain neutral in foreign affairs

Stay unified