Native Americans
Gilded Age Politics

Jim Crow Laws

Established by Plessy v. Ferguson, legally required racial segregation of blacks and whites. Intended to show the inferiority of black people 

Manifest Destiny

Expansion of US from the east to west coasts under the guise of it being justified by God


Meaning of Gilded Age

Covered in gold, good on the outside, corrupt and rotten on the inside


Goal of a Labor Union 

Organize workers within a profession to protect/further their rights and interests (wages, hours, working conditions, etc)


Relationship between Native Americans and the U.S. goverment

Favored the U.S., took advantage of the Natives, U.S. created laws and treaties that were beneficial for the government but harmful to the Natives.


Andrew Johnson's plan for Reconstruction

Lenient, Soft Peace, pardoned former Confederates, went against the Radical Republicans in Congress


The outcome of Wounded Knee

Final conquest of Natives, left 200 Natives dead, goal was to put down the Ghost Dance movement, ended in a massacre of men, women, and children


Relationship between big business and government 

Politicians were sympathetic to businessmen and controlled by them, corruption due to bribery of politicians, big industries like oil, steel, and iron were using their power to benefit them and the government, while they left poor workers to suffer. 

The kind of labor that industrialization produced

Cheap child labor


Captains of Industry and Robber Barons

Captains of Industry - Paid workers well, negotiated with workers and labor unions, gave back to charity, wanted to change society for the better, created useful and good quality products

Robber Barons - Did not pay workers well, dangerous working conditions, made low quality products kept money for themselves, all about profit and getting rich, did not give back to charity, disliked labor unions


Civil Rights Amendments (explain each one)

13th - ended slavery except in the case of punishment (convict leasing), 14th - granted African Americans citizenship/individual rights, 15th - granted African American men the right to vote


Dawes Act

Divided Native tribal land into individual farmland plots to be distributed to Native individuals or families. Had to accept land allotments in order to become US citizens.


Definition of Monopolies

Buying out the stock of all your competitors, controlling an entire industry's production, wages, and prices


Government/employer response to labor strikes

Federal troops forced workers back to work, used the Sherman Antitrust Act to stop strikes and anti-business practices of labor unions, fired organizers of unions/strikes, did not allow collective bargaining (group negotiation of contracts via unions and employers)

Founding Principles (name 2)
Inalienable rights, consent of the governed, right to alter and abolish, a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility

Legislation intended to combat the Ku Klux Klan in the South

Enforcement/Force Acts of 1870 and 1871, made it a Federal crime to interfere with blacks' rights

Chief Joseph and his experience

Tribal leader of the Nez Perce in Idaho, forced removal from his reservation, led his people to the Canadian border and fought against the U.S. military throughout his travels. Captured right before crossing the border, vowed to "fight no more, forever" after his people were killed and ran out of resources. 

Definition of Social Darwinism and Laissez Faire 

Social Darwinism - Success and failure in business is controlled by natural selection and no one should interfere, the way of the world

Laissez Faire - Government should not regulate business/the economy, lenient/hands off government 


Difference between Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor (AFL)

Knights of Labor - Organized both unskilled AND skilled workers 

American Federation of Labor (AFL) - Only allowed skilled laborers to join, and left out women and minorities


The business practices during the Gilded Age were designed to reduce what between companies?



Outcomes of the Freedmen's Bureau (name 4)

Stressed education, families reunited, marriages legally recognized, food, shelter, clothing, medical services, land, helped former slaves transition into their new lives, established schools, etc. 

Three categories of treatment of Natives by U.S. government and examples of each

Removal - Indian Removal Act (forced removal into large reservations), Trail of Tears (aftermath of the Indian Removal Act, dangerous and deadly migration to new reservations), Indian Appropriation Act (forced removal into small reservations)

Elimination - Buffalo population in the plains being reduced from 15 million to a few hundred. Natives relied on buffalo for food, clothes, shelter, tools, weapons, spiritual guide, etc). Destruction of Natives via killing of buffalo 

Assimilation - Carlisle school, "Kill the Indian, Save the Man", Native children forced to change their names, speak English, endure punishments


Vertical Integration and Horizontal Integration

Vertical Integration - Controlling as many factors of production as possible of a certain product or industry, bought out suppliers at different levels of production (coal fields, iron mines, ore freighters, steel industry)

Horizontal Integration - Merging of companies who produce the same or similar products (Disney/Pixar, ExxonMobil)


Reasons for the Industrial boom in the late 1800s (need 2)

Abundant natural resources, government support for businesses, growing urban population, growing immigrant population


Definitions of the Compromise of 1877, Trusts, 1867 Peace Commission

Compromise of 1877 - Hayes was given the presidency in return for the removal of military troops (districts) in the south, gave democrats control of Southern politics 

Trusts - Board of trustees (small group of powerful decision makers) make important decisions regarding several companies

1867 Peace Commission - Federal government organization that's goal was to "civilize" and "pacify" Natives