Life in the colonies
"Act" like you have sense
Pop Culture
Revolution & Revolation
Post Revolution

Before becoming President, this man tried his best to lead the Continental Army. He got a state, the capital and a monument named after him. Safe to say he did well

Who was George Washington?


The Middle Colonies


This act required all documents to get a literal seal of approval. 

What was the stamp act?


This popular video game series stems from a card game and an anime. You can't help but want to catch them all.

What are pokemon


We hold these truth's to be _____________ that all men are created Equal. Having something be this definitley helps prove a point

What is Self Evident?


This founding father set up America's first financial institution. While he ran the federalist party, he was killed for running his mouth. Do not be fooled, he did not throw away his shot.

Who was Hamilton?


The 2nd president of the United states was a famous lawyer who defended the British soldiers after the Boston Massacre , as well as a member of Washington's cabinet (just not in his kitchen)

Who was John Adams?


Primarily known for farming cash crops like tobacco, rice and indigo, this colonial region includes the state we live in now.

What are the Southern Colonies?


This act was hated because they forced colonists to house and feed soldiers. It was so hated, that it is protected against in the constitution. They can sleep outside idc

What was the quartering act?


Kentrell DeSean Gaulden is better well known as this rapper, with hits including "No Smoke" and "Outside Today"

Who is NBA YoungBoy?


This battle was called The Shot Heard Around the World, but thinking about it makes me crave some good Barbeque.

What is Lexington (and Concord)?


This major election was ultimately decided by Hamilton after it went to a tie, twice. Much to Jefferson's glee and suprise, and to Burr's trigger finger

What was the Election of 1800?


This president wrote the Declaration of Independence and spent most of the American Revolution in France as a diplomat.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?

Before gaining their independence, the 13 colonies were called this, named for the empire that colonized them.

What is Britain/British Empire?


The intolerable acts absolutely leveled Boston after an incident. Be careful when spilling the tea

What was the Boston Tea Party?

This popular anime definitely has over 9000 fans, and almost certainly had people shouting while trying to fly around outside. Just make sure you put cold stuff in your Frieza.

What is Dragon Ball Z


This document really broke things off with the British, let the colonists feelings be known, and really told King George to shove it.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


This war, sometimes called The American Revolution Round 2, led to the White House being burned down, a tie and the Treaty of Ghent

What was the War of 1812?


Before Washington became President he had a right hand man. He always sided with him and his federalist policies, much to the dismay of Jefferson.

Who was Hamilton?


This primary cash crop was grown all over North Carolina, and continued to do so long after independence. You could say they hoped it never went up in smoke

What is tobacco?


The Townshend Acts ultimately led to this event in Boston. 5 people died including Crispus Attucks.

What was the Boston Massacre?


This late actor left a legacy on many people for notable roles like Jackie Robinson, Levee Green and most notably King T'Challa

Who was Chadwick Boseman?


While this governing document worked during the war, it was not strong enough to stick around and later got replaced with the Constitution.

What are the Articles of Confederation?

This first president of the United states had no idea what he was doing. He set trends, just don't ask about his teeth.

Who was George Washington?


While this President wrote "all men are created equal" and condemned slavery, it did not stop him from owning many himself.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?


This colonial region was known for shipbuilding/logging, but was also heavily colonized for escaping religious persecution. Out with the Old and in with the...

Where is New England?


This act prohibited Colonists from moving out west into the rest of the continent. Considering they spent years fighting a war for this right, they were justifiably peeved.

What was the Proclamation of 1763 or the Proclamation Act?


This album was arguably Michael Jackson's biggest, including hits like Thriller, Beat it and Billie Jean

What is Thriller?

These first two political parties popped out once the new government was settled, arguing for an against the constitution, for the states and the federal government.

What are Federalists and Antifederalists?


This sad little president was not very well liked, especially for his policies like the Alien and Sedetion Acts.

Who was John Adams?