The 32nd President who promised Americans a "new deal" in response to the Great Depression.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Considered the worst economic time period in United States history.
What is the Great Depression?
This law increased taxes on thousands of imported goods and intended to push Americans to buy American-made products.
What is the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act?
The idea that people, NOT the government, should help each other in times of need.
What is Volunteerism?
This "R" of the New Deal refers to programs which provided immediate help to the people.
What is Relief?
The Former First Lady who served as a political partner to her husband, traveling the globe as a diplomat and humanitarian.
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
These were a series of public radio addresses by FDR in which he spoke directly to the American people about the plans and programs of the New Deal.
What are Fireside Chats?
This legislation helped farmers by ending overproduction and raising crop prices.
What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)?
The idea that people should succeed on their own with minimal or no support from the government, "pick yourself up by your bootstraps."
What is Rugged Individualism?
The first major action taken by FDR as president, when the banks were closed for 4 days.
What is the Bank Holiday?
Who is Herbert Hoover?
The name given to the group of WWI veterans who camped out, and were tear-gassed and kicked off the White House grounds by the Hoover Administration.
What is the Bonus Army?
This law gave employees the right to collectively bargain, as well as form and join unions.
What is the Wagner Act?
Extremely risky business transactions made with the hope of making quick profits.
What is Speculation?
This "R" of the New Deal refers to programs which were intended to improve the economy.
What is Recovery?
Huey Long, Francis Townsend, Father Coughlin, and The Supreme Court
Who is the New Deal Opponents?
What is the Dust Bowl?
This program provides unemployment insurance, aid to those who become disabled, and monthly benefits for seniors/retirees.
What is Social Security?
A sustained drop of prices of goods and services caused by a decrease in the money supply.
What is Deflation?
TWO of the main factors which led to the Great Depression.
What is Market Saturation and Failing Industries?
Otherwise known as "Black Tuesday," this extreme financial decline marked the beginning of the Great Depression.
What is the Stock Market Crash of 1929?
These TWO New Deal measures aimed to (1) develop rules to limit speculation and (2) safeguard people's savings in banks.
What is the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?
This is the concept of paying a small percentage of a stock's price and borrowing a loan to pay for the rest.
What is Buying on Margin?
This "R" of the New Deal refers to laws or regulations which sought to change the system to prevent future depressions.
What is Reform?