Who is the first President of the United States?
A. John Adams B. Ben Franklin
C. George Washington D. Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
Who said "Give me Liberty or give me Death".
A. Thomas Jefferson B. John F Kennedy
C. Patrick Henry D. Alexander Hamilton
Patrick Henry
On what day do we celebrate our nation's independence?
A. July 1 B. July 2
C. July 4 D. July 6
July 4
What is the official language in the United States?
A. English B. Spanish
C. French D. None of the Above
None of the Above
What is the name of our nation's capital?
A. Arlington B. New York
C. Washington D.C. D. Annapolis
Washington D.C.
The third president and the author of the Declaration of Independence.
A. John Quincy Adams B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Ben Franklin D. Ronald Reagan
Who is Thomas Jefferson
Who said, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."
A. Abraham Lincoln B. John Adams
C. M.C. Hammer D. John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy
What is the highest (most influential) court in our country?
A. Supreme Court B. Appellate Court
C. Federal Court D. Superior Court
Supreme Court
What state made it illegal to cut into a cactus unless it's for survival?
A. Arizona B. California
C. New Mexico D. Texas
What is one of the states in the "Four Corners"?
A. New York B. California
C. Idaho D. Arizona
The President during the US Civil War who also freed slaves in Union state.
A. Thomas Jefferson B. William Bryce
C. Ulysses S. Grant D. Abraham Lincoln
Who is Abraham Lincoln
Who said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
A. Neil Armstrong B. Buzz Aldrin
C. James McAvoy D. T.J. Springer
Neil Armstrong
Who is considered the "father" of the Constitution? (Who wrote most of it)?
A. Thomas Jefferson B. Alexander Hamilton
C. George Washington D. James Madison
James Madison
What state says you can't fish for lobster after 9pm?
A. California B. Maine
C. Oregon D. Washington
Which state was the last one admitted to the U.S.?
A. Arizona B. New Mexico
C. Alaska D. Hawaii
The "Teddy Bear" is named after him
A. William Taft B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. John Adams D. George Washington
Who is Theodore Roosevelt
Who said, "You don't have to see the whole staircase to take the first step."
A. Michael Jordan B. Martin Luther King
C. Malcolm X D. Woodrow Wilson
Martin Luther King
What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called?
A. The Preamble B. Top Ten
C. The Rights of All D. The Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights
Which state says you can't sing loud enough in church to be heard outside?
A. Arkansas B. Kansas
C. Alabama D. Mississippi
In which U.S. state can the countries tallest trees be found?
A. California B. Oregon
C. Montana D. Idaho
He is one of the faces on Mount Rushmore.
No clues on this one. Chose any of the four for credit.
George Washington OR Thomas Jefferson OR Teddy Roosevelt OR Abraham Lincoln
Who said, "America is another name for opportunity".
A. Ralpho Waldo Emmerson B. Mark Twain
C. Robert Frost D. Calvin Coolidge
Ralph Waldo Emmerson
In order to pass an Amendment to our Constitution, what percentage of states have to agree to include it in order for it to become law?
A. 33% B. 50%
C. 75% D. 85%
Which state says you cannot push a moose out of an airplane while flying?
A. Alaska B. Hawaii
C. Oregon D. California
What is the hottest U.S. state on average, year round?
A. Hawaii B. Arizona
C. Nevada D. Florida
Florida: 71.5 degrees