This was the nickname given to wealthy industrialists that painted them in a negative light
Robber Barons
These organizations worked to protect workers and their rights
Victory in this war allowed USA to claim Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
These types of posters were very common during the war. They tried to get American citizens to assist with the war effort
Heir to the Austrian throne. Assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Bosnia June 1914.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
This is the economic system that the United States operates under. Companies are controlled by the people, not the government.
this is when a specific person or enterprise is the only supplier of a particular commodity
The US overthrew the monarchy of this independent kingdom and took over the islands
A devotion to the interests and culture of one’s nation. Pride in one’s country
The President of the United States during WWI
Woodrow Wilson
John Rockefeller was at one time the richest man in the world because he dominated this industry
low-rise apartment buildings that often were overcrowded and had inadequate plumbing and ventilation
Taking a smaller territory and adding it (sometimes forcefully) to a larger one.
This was the name of the land between the trenches, filled with barbed wire, fallen soldiers, and debris
No Man's Land
This was the intercepted message Germany tried to send to Mexico with the goal of keeping America out of the war
Zimmerman Note/Telegram
This man wrote the Gospel of Wealth, in which he explained how the wealthy should spend their money to benefit others
Andrew Carnegie
Survival of the fittest. In society, the strong companies survive and rise to the top while the weak fail.
Social Darwinism
America forced China to establish equal trade rights with all other nations… or else
Open Door Policy
What 4 countries made up the Allied powers of World War I?
USA, France, England, Russia
The organization formed after WWI to provide a forum for countries to discuss disputes rather than fighting
League of Nations
This business practice is when a company buys all levels of production to dominate an industry.
Vertical Integration
belief that economies and businesses function best when there is no interference by the government
Laissez-Faire economics
__________ journalism is when newspapers exaggerate stories to get the public to care more about an issue
The name of the ship sank by German U-boats that got America involved in the war
The official document that ended the war, punished Germany severely for their role in starting and escalating the war (Must pronounce it correctly)
Treaty of Versailles