US Becomes World Power
Progressive Era
Roosevelt Presidency
Cold War
Civil Rights

How did yellow journalism help cause the Spanish-American War?

USS Maine blew up - was maybe Spain's fault maybe not, Biased US journalists said it was Spain to help sell newspapers

What does the 18th Amendment do AND was it successful?

Create the prohibition (ban sale of alcohol)

Alcohol consumption INCREASED, as did crime - not successful


What were 2 causes of the Great Depression?

People bought too much on credit

Gambling in stock market / it crashed

Overproduction on US farms



What was the CAUSE and EFFECT of the War in Vietnam?

Cause: Communists in North Vietnam invade Capitalist South Vietnam, US joins to help stop communism.

Impact: mass human rights violations on all sides, mass protests in US to end the war, no one wins, Vietnam's communist party takes over all of Vietnam


What Court Case ended school segregation in the US?

Brown v Board of Education 


What did the Monroe Doctrine say?

US should be interventionist ONLY when the rights of people in the American continents are in danger


What did the 19th Amendment do?

Give women the right to vote (suffrage)


What were the two sides in WWII? (list at least 3 countries on each side)

Axis: Germany, Japan, Italy (also Soviet Union at the beginning but they switch sides)

Allies: England, US, Soviet Union, France


What is the Domino Theory?

The idea that if one country falls to communism all its neighbors will fall too (like dominos) so the US has to step in and stop communism


What was the major difference in MLK and Malcolm X's ideas about the Civil Rights Movement?

MLK: nonviolent civil disobedience

Malcolm X: sometimes violence is justified


What is Big Stick Diplomacy?

The idea that the US should try to solve issues peacefully but have a strong military force to use as a threat when peace didn't work


In the early 1900s, a book called The Jungle was famously published by a "Muckraker" (journalist who exposes corruption for the American public) that changed the US food system significantly. What did this book show the world?

Shows the disgusting conditions in US meat packing plants (rats falling into the food, blood never being cleaned up, etc.)
Leads to passage of Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act  to create consumer protections


What was the Manhattan Project?

What was its impact?

Secret project to create the atomic bomb

US dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan to end WWII


What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Soviet Union secretly built missiles in Cuba as it is close to the US

US found out - almost led to nuclear war

Ultimately, Kennedy said he would take missiles out of Turkey if Soviets removed them from Cuba, was did not happen


What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 do?

Ban racial discrimination in voting rights, including a ban on things like literacy tests


What was the Zimmerman telegram?

Message sent from Germany to Mexico asking Mexico to help fight against the US if they entered WWI

What are three reasons someone could argue the Progressive Era (1900 - 1920) WAS progressive (a time when good changes happen)?

-Women's suffrage

-Prohibition (Alcoholism was out of control in US)

-Harlem Renaissance (increase in Black art)

-Labor reforms like child labor laws, minimum wage laws, anti-monopoly laws, and 8 hour work day

-Consumer protections like the Pure Food and Drug Act


What was the New Deal?

Roosevelt's plan to end the Great Depression by creating a ton of government programs/agencies aimed at Recovery, Relief, and Reform


What is the goal of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Create alliance between US, Canada, and much of Western Europe where they promised to protect each other if anyone was attacked

(in response, Soviets created their own alliance with the same goal called the Warsaw Pact)


Describe who the Little Rock Nine are and what happened to them

First students to desegregate schools in Arkansas. The national guard had to be brought in to walk them into school because of violent protests outside trying to keep them out / the Governor of Arkansas blocking their way


What was the topic of the court case Schenck v US?
What did the court decide?

Schenck said it was his 1st amendment right to speak out against the draft (conscription)

Government said that right to free speech CAN be limited in times of war because free speech does not cover speech that puts people in danger (like yelling fire in a movie theater)


What are three reasons someone could argue the Progressive Era (1900 - 1920) WAS NOT progressive (a time when good changes happen)?

-Resurgence of KKK 

-Eugenics Movement (junk-science movement to control population for "better" genes)

-Women's suffrage was not extended to women of color

-Immigration laws became more restrictive / based on racism

-Labor movements suppressed


The Casablanca Conference in WWII was only attended by Churchill (UK) and Roosevelt (US) - Soviet Union did not attend. Here, they issued the Unconditional Surrender Ultimatum. What was this?

Said Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) were losing SO no Allied Powers (including the Soviets/Stalin) should make any peace deals with them UNLESS their surrender is unconditional, agreeing to do whatever the Allies want even if it includes things like land loss / reparations 


What are 3 reasons why someone could argue the Cold War was NOT truly a "Cold" war?

Cold War = a war without real fighting (fighting with ideas not weapons)

Reasons: Vietnam War, Korean War, Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, violent intervention in places like Guatemala (and many other parts of Central and South America), etc. 

Basically, we fought a TON of battles, just not on US or Soviet soil 


What was the CAUSE and IMPACT of the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

Cause: Rosa Parks arrest for sitting on a bus 

Impact: Bus segregation ruled unconstitutional