It is a form of communication developed by Alexander Graham Bell in (year).
What is the telephone?
J.C.R. Licklider
Who invented the Internet?
They are supposed to not take part in political action. It does happens in reality. President is even telling black churches to become politically active. In this case, it was not directly from the LDS (Mormon Church). It from it was from political action groups that are by supported by rank and file Mormons. Its not illegal to do this
What is I have read that the Mormon church spent millions of dollars on the anti-gay marriage campaign in California ["proposition 8"] in contravention of rules requiring that to retain their tax-exempt status religious organizations must refrain from political activities. Are there such rules? And if there are, were they applied in this case? If not, how was the church able to successfully contravene them?
Limited the hours worked by children to a maximum of 12 per day.
What is Factory Act 1819
By the early nineteenth century, the per capita consumption of hard liquor (whiskey, brandy, rum, and gin) had grown dramatically to more than five gallons a year. The high level of consumption was blamed for poverty: workingmen spent their wages on alcohol instead of rent or food and were frequently absent from their factory jobs. Alcohol abuse also contributed to the abuse of wives and children. In 1826, the American Temperance Society began a persistent campaign against the evils of drinking. Although focusing at first on persuading individuals to abstain, the advocates of temperance soon entered the political arena and sought laws to limit the sale and manufacture of alcohol. The movement caught on—particularly in New England but much less so in the South—and by the 1840s, national consumption had dropped to half of what it had been two decades earlier. The reformers were not satisfied, however, and they continued to press for a complete ban on the sale and use of all intoxicating liquor, an effort that culminated in the 1919 passage of the Eighteenth Amendment, ushering in the era of Prohibition.
What is The temperance movement.
It is part of a class of aircraft
What is air balloon
Randice-Lisa Altschul invented the world's first disposable cell phone. The history of cell phones.
What is Randi Altschul
First in general 5% unemployment is considered full employment. It only counts actively seek employment. So if you give up looking you are not counted as unemployed. It also does not count people who are part time or underemployed. Why 1 percent is huge change as represents millions of jobs. Millions of dollars of economic activity. Right now its 8.5%. The is also the underemployment rate is which is twice that. Here detailed explanation
What is I was wondering if you could explain a little more about the unemployment rate? In the news, I hear 1 or 2% changes represented as something drastic, while I would intuitively think of these as small changes within the normal variation of a number which is bound to change. Why are such small changes so significant?
Children under 9 banned from working in the textiles industry and 10-13 year olds limited to a 48 hour week.
What is Factory Act 1833
The demand for free public education grew during the 1830s as the franchise expanded. Education was deemed important for creating an informed electorate. In addition, factory workers wanted their children to have more opportunities than they had had, and schooling was seen as a way to assimilate the children of immigrants through the inculcation of American values
What is Improving public education
In 1973, the General Motors research team invented the first car safety air bags that were first offered in the 1973 model Chevrolet as an option.
What is Air Bags
Received patents for a radio distance and direction indicator, a landing system for aircrafts, a radar system for locating planes and the hydrogen bubble chamber, used to detect subatomic particles.
What is Luis Walter Alvarez
National Guard and Coast Guard normally respond to natural disaster in the USA. Federal troop are prohibited from use unless the state of insurrection is declared.
What is How much action does the United States Government take in the after effects of Natural Disasters? Namely the recent earthquakes but also for an event like Hurricane Katrina. What branch(es) would be deployed and what sort of role would they play? Also any resources that specifically outline this information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time.
Maximum of 12 hours work per day for Women.
What is Factory Act 1844
Congress considered slavery so controversial that in 1836, the House of Representatives, largely at the insistence of southerners, passed a gag rule prohibiting discussion or debate of the subject. This move was a reaction to numerous petitions submitted to Congress that called for the abolition of slavery and the slave trade in the District of Columbia, a reflection of a growing anti-slavery movement in the United States.
What is The abolitionist movement
Learn the history behind agriculture innovations, tractors, cotton gins, reapers, plows, plant patents and more.
What is Agriculture Related
Invented a firepace dampening device.
What is Virgie Ammons
The issues around the Monroe has not come up since the end of the Cold War. So there are no recent examples. Here is an overview.
What is The Monroe Doctrine expressed the idea that new countries should be allowed to develop without interference from stronger nations. 1. Does the United States still follow this policy? Why or Why not? Please give examples of recent news events and recent historical incidents.
Maximum of 10 hours work per day for Women and children. Increased hours worked by Women and children to 10 and a half hours a
What is Factory Act 1847
The various reform movements of the nineteenth century gave women—particularly, middle-class women—an opportunity to participate in public life, and they were mainly successful in their efforts. A prime example is the work by Dorothea Dix to create public mental-health institutions that would provide humane care for the insane. American women turned their attention to their own situation when activists split from the abolitionists. The specific event that led to the organized push for women's rights was the exclusion of a group of American women from the 1840 World Anti-Slavery Convention in London.
What is Beginnings of the women's rights movement.
An instrument which measures vertical distance with respect to a reference level.
What is Altimeter
The history of Archimedes, a mathematician from ancient Greece. He invented the Archimedes screw (a device for raising water).
What is Archimedes
a number of companies did go to Mexico to take advantage of NAFTA, but most of the decline in jobs was/is more roundabout. A lot of companies send orders for goods to China (or wherever) because it is cheaper for them to produce and ship them to the U.S., than it is to make them here. A local example is a company called Plano Plastics, located in Plano, Illinois (not very far from me). They have a couple of factories that make things here, but 85% of their goods are made in China. Some need assembly here, but others go straight from the shipping docks in San Diego to Walmart and Target. Plano hasn't moved or closed any factories here, but they stopped hiring because it is more economic for them to have things made to their specifications in China (or wherever) and have them shipped here.
What is A few years ago when NAFTA came in, there was supposed to be a 'giant sucking sound' as jobs left the US for Mexico. That didnt happen. Instead they all went to China, and we dont even have frre trade with them? If someone wants cheap labour tp prodecue inexpensive goods, wouldnt it be better and closer to build a factory in Mexico? Wouldnt that also ease the tide of immigrants? Thanks for your thoughts!
No worker allowed to work more than 56.5 hours per week.
What is Factory Act 1850
The only women's rights issue that was addressed before the Civil War concerned property. Several states, but far from all, gave married women control over inherited property during the antebellum period. Women did not get the right to vote until 1920 (through the Nineteenth Amendment), and they were still limited to careers in either teaching or nursing. It took more than a century for the issues of equal employment and full legal and social equality to be seriously addressed.
What is Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions”