What is the most popular movie in the USA
captain america: Brave new world
who is the biggest rapper in the USA
Kanye west
what`s the most popular resturant in USA
what`s the most popular sport in the USA
American football
what is the most expensive car in USA
Lamborghini revuelto
what movie is about dinosaurs
jurrasic park
how old is Billie Eilish?
23 Years old
what is the most popular candy band in USA
wich sports comes from the USA
Volleyball, skateboarding, snowboarding, and frisbee
wich is the least expensive car in the USA
nissan versa
Which year did Titanic come out?
when did michael jackson die?
25th june 2009
How many cheeseburgers does MacDonald sell a day?
6,45 million
wich sport do you use a racket and a small ball?
wich car brand is the most popular in usa?
ford motor company