Define imperialism?
Empire Building through political, economical and or miliarily.
Type of writing made to influence the public
Yellow Journalism
Define 2 of the letters of "MAIN"
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism
Define Neutrality
Staying neutral in a conflict. Not picking a side.
Define Propaganda
Information spread by the government to promote their goals and agenda.
The USS Maine
What sparked WW1? The event
Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand
Who was the President during WW 1?
Woodrow Wilson
Define Nationalism
Pride and loyalty to one's nation.
Name 2 locations that were under US occupation during the age of imperialism
Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama, Hawai'i, Alaska, Guam, Philippines, parts of Mexico
Type of Warfare
Trench Warfare
Who were the Harlem Hellfighters?
African American Soldiers that fought with France (Trench warfare)
Define Diplomacy
Negotiations (talks) between nations
Why was the Panama Cannel so important to the US?
Created a shortcut from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean
Explain a "Victory Garden"
Women were encouraged to grow their own food so the big farms could focus on producing food for the soldiers.
Explain the "Zimmerman note"
Germany encouraged Mexico to attack the US and gain back their territory. This would split the US Army up and not allow them to focus on Europe.
Define Annexation
Taking over land and adding it to your territory.
Define "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick"
President Roosevelt: Created a diplopic policy that "protected" the Americas (North/South/Caribbean) from European powers
Explain a War Bond
US Citizens loaning the US Government money so they can spend it on the War Efforts. The citizens can claim interest on their loan years later.
Alliances: Germany, Austria-Hungry and Italy
Entente: UK, France, Russia. (US joins late)