Who was the philosopher who gave us "life, liberty, and property"?
John Locke
What was the tariff placed upon paper called?
The Stamp Act
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Under the Articles of Confederation, why was the central government always broke?
It could not collect taxes.
What did the Great Compromise create?
A bicameral congress
Congress passes laws and the President enforces them. Checks and Balances OR Separation of Powers?
Separation of Powers
Which Amendment prohibits the quartering of soldiers
Third Amendment
What do the 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th Amendments have in common?
All involve suffrage (voting)
Who said, "When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner."
Baron de Montesquieu
Which founding father "borrowed" John Locke's ideas of Life, Liberty, and Property when writing the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
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How many states' votes were necessary to amend the Articles of Confederation?
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What were the compromises between the Northern Free states and Southern Slave states.
The Slave Trade compromise and the 3/5 compromise.
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Which article discusses the amendment process
Article 5
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What the does the "due process" and "equal protection" clause guarantee in the 14th Amendment.
Protection against false imprisonment for all people.
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What was the name of first document that guaranteed the right to bear arms.
The English Bill of Rights
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During which big meeting was the Declaration of Independence composed and signed?
The Second Continental Congress
How did the Constitution fix the problem in the Articles of Confederation that there was no one to enforce the laws?
The Constitution created an executive branch to enforce the laws.
"The Constitution is necessary to bind our nation together." Who would have said this, a Federalist or an Anti-Federalist?
According to the Constitution, which branch controls the power of the purse?
Why did the Anti-Federalists insist upon the 10th Amendment
To ensure the states had power.
This document gave us our first planbook for government?
The Mayflower Compact
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Which act placed a tariff on imported goods?
Townshend Revenue Acts
How many houses did Congress have in the Articles off Confederation?
1...it was unicameral
What was the final compromise that resulted in the addition of the Bill of Rights?
Federalist v Anti-Federalist or Ratification compromise
According to the Constitution, which 2 branches are involved with making and approving treaties?
The Executive and Legislative
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What is the most common process for amending the Constitution?
2/3 vote in Congress and 3/4 state's legislatures
Which document provided the legal case for the colonies to split with England?
Common Sense
The restriction of town meetings was a big part of which act?
The Intolerable Acts
How did the Constitution fix the unfairness of equally distributed votes among the first 13 states in the Articles of Confederation?
It established a bicameral congress where one half has proportional representation and the other has equal representation
Despite being opposed to one another, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton joined forces in this party to push the ratification of the Constitution.
The Federalists
Where in the Constitution is the supremacy clause?
Article 6.
Why did Congress feel it necessary to pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965 AFTER they had already passed the 24th Amendment prohibiting poll tax?
Because other methods were being used to bar African Americans from voting