Who is the current president of the USA?
Donald Trump
How many states are there in the US?
What date is American Independence Day?
July 4th
What is the supreme law of the land?
The Constitution
What is the name of the longest river in the USA?
The Mississippi
The House of Representatives and the Senate make up the...?
The Congress
Name 3 national parks
Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Yosemite
Who wrote the Declaration of Indepedence?
Thomas Jefferson
The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?
We the People
Who does a US Senator represent?
All people of the state
What are two major political parties in the USA?
Democrats and Republicans
What is the highest mountain in the USA
Denali (6 190m)
Where was the first English colony founded?
In Virginia
What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
The Bill of Rights
What is the biggest state?
What are 3 branches of government?
Legislative, Executive, Judical
What is the last state to join the USA?
Which country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the USA?
What is one or freedom from the First Amendment?
Petition the Government
How old is the USA?
249 Years
Name 7 US presidents
G. Washington, T. Jefferson, B. Franklin, T. Roosevelt, J. F. Kennedy, G. Bush, B. Clinton, B. Obama, J. Biden, D. Trump
What is the most populated state in the USA?
When was the Constitution written?
How many amendments does the Constitution have?
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
Freed the slaves
Freed slaves in the Confederacy
Freed slaves in the Confederate states
Freed slaves in most Southern states