Test Security Overview
Maintaining Security
Testing Practices
Physical Conditions
Test Administration

What is the purpose of test security in Kansas assessment programs?

Answer: To abide by test security and ethical testing practices across various assessments.


Who may not administer a state assessment?

Answer: Parents or volunteers.


What should be integrated with regular classroom instruction prior to testing?

Answer: Teaching of test-taking skills.


What should be done to bulletin board displays during the testing?

Answer: They should be removed or covered.


What do students need to log into the Kite Student Portal?

Answer: Username and password.


When is the testing window for the Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessment (KELPA)?

Answer: February 3 – March 14


Why is written verification necessary before proctoring a test?

Answer: For the protection of each teacher, proctor, and the district.


What is the purpose of Kite Technology Practice tests?

Answer: To ensure that students have prior experience with the testing format.


How should the testing environment be monitored?

Answer: By actively moving around the room to encourage focus.


What is a Daily Access Code (DAC) used for?

Answer: To enter the Kite Student Portal during testing.


Which grades are assessed in Mathematics during the general summative assessments?

Answer: Grades 3 - 8, and 10.


What is the role of the Test Administrator Manual (TAM)?

Answer: It provides information on test security, administration, accommodations, and scripts for administering assessments.


How should accommodations be handled for the state assessment?

Answer: They must be completed on all instructional assignments and assessments.


What is the requirement regarding technology devices during testing?

Answer: Students should not have cell phones, smart watches, or any devices other than the one they are testing on.


What happens if a proctor notices a student didn't answer a question correctly?

Answer: The proctor cannot tell the student to check their work.


What must all district staff do before administering a state assessment?

Answer: Complete Security and Ethics training and sign an agreement to follow test security practices.


What accounts do teachers need in the Kite Educator Portal?

Answer: Accounts are needed for scoring KELPA speaking and writing domains.


What should be done with assessment materials after testing is completed?

Answer: Follow established procedures for collecting and destroying materials.


What type of background should the testing environment have?

Answer: It should be quiet without background music.


Are students in grades 3 - 5 allowed to use calculators during the math assessment?

Answer: No, calculators are not allowed for those grades.


What is the estimated time to complete the ELA assessment for grades 3 - 8 and 10?

Answer: Two sessions, 45-60 minutes each.


How are Daily Access Codes (DACs) managed during testing?

Answer: They are provided in Educator Portal and shared with Building Secretaries at the end of the day.


What is an unacceptable practice regarding students' scratch paper?

Answer: Scratch paper may not be collected for classroom grades and must be destroyed after the test session.


What type of paper should be provided to students during testing?

Answer: Clean graph or blank paper.


What does the blue dot indicate on the review screen?

Answer: It indicates that the student has responded to the item.