Name 5 less than lethal options
What is Taser, Baton, OC, bean bag shotgun, 40 MM, Hands, pepper ball gun, commands, CS gas (tear gas), flashbang, BolaWrap
Name 3 lethal force options officers have
What is Handgun, patrol rifle, cruiser, choke hold, last ditch knife
What New Hampshire RSA describes use of force for law enforcement?
What is 627:5?
What type of force are k-9s considered to be?
What is less lethal force?
What Supreme Court case says that you have to get out of your car if an officer tells you to do so?
What is Pennsylvania v. Mimms?
What less than lethal devise uses compressed nitrogen to launch 2 electrically charged projectiles at a suspect?
What is a taser?
Officers don't shoot to kill, they shoot to __________.
What is stop an imminent deadly threat
What part(s) of the body is a tourniquet meant to be used on?
What are Extremities?
What amendment to the United States Constitution discusses search and seizure?
What is the 4th amendment
What Supreme Court case gave law enforcement the right to preform a "Terry Pat"?
What is Terry v. Ohio
What 2 conditions are necessary for an officer to be justified in using a "Terry Pat"?
Why is a taser not always effective?
What is
- 2 points of contact needed
- Thick clothing
- Some people are not impacted
How many seconds does it take for the average person to run 21 feet and become a potential threat to an officer?
What is 1.5 seconds
What does RSA stand for?
What is Revised Statutes Annotated
What amendments are part of the bill of rights?
What are the first 10 amendments
What Supreme Court case requires officers to read suspects' their rights in certain situations?
What is Miranda v. Arizona?
When do you need to read someone their rights?
Name an environment where it would be unsafe to use a taser?
What is
- Near a pool or water (drowning concern)
- Near anything flammable (gas station)
During a deadly force encounter, when should an officer stop shooting?
What is when the imminent deadly threat has stopped
What is the best first aid tool to help someone with a gun shot wound to the chest or back.
What is a chest seal?
What amendment in the bill of rights protects someone from receiving a 1.5 million dollar bail for stealing a candy bar?
What is the 8th amendment?
What Supreme Court case set the rules for officers using lethal force on a suspect that is running away?
What is Tennessee v. Garner?
What is the name of the effect a taser has on a person?
What is Neuromuscular Incapacitation (NMI)?
Why do officers aim for center mass during a deadly force encounter?
What is
- To stop the threat as fast as possible
- To avoid missing shots and harming innocent people
A law enforcement officer is justified in using deadly force to defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes is the __________ use of deadly force
What is imminent?
What action can an officer take to calm down a situation and prevent the need for further use of force?
What is De-escalate this situation
What was the name of the officer involved in the Tennessee v. Garner case?
What is Elton Hymon?