Great Bruce Willis action film that is sometimes considered a Christmas movie along with when you have to stop the meeting at a specific time.
Die Hard Stop
This stats professor at Univ of Tennessee heard a radio program about how measuring growth was not possible and started creating what would become our first model.
Who is Dr. Sanders?
Spent all day in this software chatting with ICs, getting tagged in posts, and keeping an eye on my activity feed.
What is teams?
Our fearless leader along with the generic technical document.
What is John White Paper?
He has been with EVAAS for how long. Wow, that is longer than anyone. Right or wrong I wouldn't question him when it comes to modeling (no pictures please).
Who is Paul Wright?
Whether you need to know how much do we charge for training per day or what the SLA is for responding to a ticket, this team is in charge of contracts.
What is policy?
The university that we will work with for our newest client along with our first state client.
What Utah State of Tennessee?
In an effort to get teachers more involved in our reporting, this POC was approved to be sent to this state's users four times a year.
What is the NC?
Hey devs, don't you dare put your own text on that report without permission from this team.
What the LRB?
This many states are currently on the EVAAS site but don't confuse yourself with districts, Excel only, or almost states like TX.
What is 10? (NC, PA, FL, TN, MO, VA, IA, OH, ID, MI)
The client just south of us that dropped us a few years back along with the professional team that practices in that state.
What South Carolina Panthers?
EVAAS keeps heading west, but I didn't know we had to worry about Pacific Standard Time until we landed in this state.
What is Idaho?
This server is down, this one needs to be rebooted, since I can't figure it out, I will just post to this channel and hope it works later.
What is the Incidents (or Infrastructure) channel?
Our policy lead along with the landmark case that provided equal education across NC.
What Jill Leandro vs North Carolina?
Thankful that Y2K didn't end the world, because during this year SAS purchased EVAAS from U of Tenn.
What happened in 2000?
The random person that joins calls to ask questions about RFPs and other sales questions is often referred to as an ABCDE, no wait drop the BCD and tell me who they are.
Who is the account executive?