
What is Laissez-Faire Economics? 

Hands off approach by the government related to business regulation and economic legislation.


What President created a square deal and was known as a trustbuster?

Theodore Roosevelt 


What was the significance of the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court Case?


It legalized Jim Crow laws by establishing the separate but equal doctrine.


This was Teddy Roosevelt’s foreign policy that involved leading with careful negotiation behind the threat of a powerful military.

Big Stick Diplomacy 


Explain how WWI and WW2 impacted women within the United States.

Women who traditionally stayed home joined the workforce in higher numbers.


Compare horizontal and vertical integration.  

 Horizontal integration involves a large company buying or merging with its direct competitors and vertical integration involves a company buying some or all the components of its supply chain.


What President made the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan to end WW2?


Harry Truman


Explain the impact of Upton Sinclair’s novel “The Jungle” on society and laws.

The Jungle exposed unsanitary and corrupt practices of the meat packing industry which led to progressive legislation such as the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act.


What war resulted in Cuba gaining its independence from Spain and the U.S. acquisition of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam?    

Spanish American War


After WWI, the U.S. refused to join the League of Nations and did not immediately get involved in WW2. What foreign policy describes these actions by the U.S.?



 Explain Keynesian Economics.

Involves the government spending money to create jobs or price stability and is typically used during times of extreme economic turmoil such as a depression or recession.


What President was known for Dollar Diplomacy, trustbusting, and causing a split in the democratic party?

 William Howard Taft


List the Reconstruction Amendments and explain each.

13th – Abolished slavery, 14th – granted citizenship and equal protection under the law, 15th – established the right to vote for all races.


What is the practice of larger countries using economic or military influence over smaller countries to expand territory, increase resources, or for economic gains.



Compare the following military strategies: Amphibious landings, Blitzkrieg, and Island hopping

Amphibious landings is a coordinated military operation involving land, sea, and air, Blitzkrieg is a quick attack form multiple locations at once, and island hopping is a strategy of avoiding heavily fortified islands to land on less protected islands.


What impact did populist believe an economic policy of bimetallism would have on the economy?

They believed using silver as a currency would cause inflation which would benefit farmers by raising crop prices, causing inflation, and making it easier for farmers to pay off their debts.


What President was known for his New Freedom plan, contributing to the creation of the Federal Reserve, and leading the U.S. through WWI?

 Woodrow Wilson


Explain the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust acts and how they are related.

The Sherman antitrust act prohibited anti-competitive business practices that led to monopolies and trust. However, the language of the act was too vague so the Clayton antitrust act was created to strengthen the law by outlining specific anti-competitive practices that were not allowed.


Explain the Open-Door Policy.

The Open-Door policy was created to advocate for equal trade in China and to eliminate the Spheres of influence within China.


Explain why the League of Nations used Appeasement to deal with Germany prior to WW2 and the role the decision played in the start of WW2.

As Hitler violated terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations did not take a hard stand against Germany at first to maintain peace and prevent another war. However, their policy of appeasement only empowered Hitler until his violation of the Munich Pact led to Britain and France declaring war on Germany.


 Explain what happened in the Pullman strike of 1894 and the Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902 and evaluate how the response of the government to both strikes was different. 

 The government showed support of big business in the Pullman strike by forcing workers to go back to work due to the strikes interference with the nations mail delivery. The government showed support of laborers in the Coal Strike because Roosevelt threatened to take over the coal mines with federal workers if the coal mine owners didn’t reach an agreement with their workers.


Two Presidents served during the Great Depression. Who were they and how did their approaches to fixing the Great Depression differ?

Herbert Hoover, who wanted to rely on rugged individualism instead of federal government intervention to fix the Great Depression and Franklin Roosevelt who relied heavily on the power of the federal government and even expanded its power with his New Deal policies.


 List the Progressive Amendments and explain each.


16th – established a federal income tax, 17th – direct election of senators, 18th – prohibited manufacture and sale of alcohol, 19th – Granted women the right to vote


What was the Roosevelt Corollary and why was it issued?  

Roosevelt’s extension of the Monroe Doctrine which called for countries in Europe to stay in the Eastern hemisphere and not intervene on either American continent.


 Explain how unrestricted submarine warfare, the Zimmerman Note, and Germany’s violation of the Sussex pledge impacted WWI.

Unrestricted submarine warfare involved Germany bombing non military ships, Germany violated the Sussex pledge by continuing to bomb non military ships after promising they wouldn’t, and the Zimmerman note was Germany’s attempt to turn Mexico against the U.S. all of which resulted in the U.S. declaring war on Germany.