Civil Rights Leaders
Civil Rights Legislation
Groups & Organizations
The Warren Court
Civil Rights Terms

This civil rights leader promoted "civil disobedience" as a form on non-violent protest and led the "March on Washington" rally.

Who is Martin Luther King Jr

A policy that desegregated the US armed forces

What is Executive Order 9981


Militant group of the Black Power Movement, initially created to support and protect black communities

What is the Black Panther Party


Established women's right to privacy and access to abortions

What is Roe v Wade


Separating people based on race, gender, age, or religion

What is segregation


This civil rights leader promoted black nationalism, was a member of the Nation of Islam, but backed out to become more moderate.

Who is Malcom X


Legislation that banned literacy tests and other methods to prevent minorities from voting in Southern states

What is the Voting Rights Act of 1965

An organization founded by students that staged sit-ins and other forms of protest, eventually become more violent in their methods

What is the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)


Established that the accused must be informed of their constitutional right protecting them from self-incrimination

What is Miranda v Arizona


Creating a fair environment to bring people of different backgrounds together

What is integration

Key figure in organizing "Freedom Summer" which led to an increase in African American voters in Southern States.

Who is Fannie Lou Hamer


Legislation that prohibited discrimination in public facilities, outlawing Jim Crow Laws

What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964

A group of legislators across N. Florida that fought to block integration and stop the Civil Rights Movement in Florida

What is the Pork Chop Gang

Provided protection under the 6th Amendment against illegal search and seizure, all evidence used in the court must be obtained through a warrant

What is Mapp v Ohio

This court case established "separate but equal", creating years of racial segregation

What is Plessy v Ferguson

This civil rights leader founded the Florida NAACP, and increased African American voter registration in Florida.

Who is Harry T. Moore


Overturned the ruling in Plessy vs Ferguson, integrating the public school system

What is Brown v Board of Education

A non-violent civil rights organization that sought to use the court system to fight segregation and discrimination

What is the NAACP


Established the right to free public counsel when unable to afford an attorney

What is Giddeon v Wainwright

Method promoted by Martin Luther King Jr to obey just laws and disobey unjust laws as a means of protest

What is civil disobedience

A founding member of the Black Panther Party and leader of the Black Nationalism movement.

Who is Huey Newton


Legislation that prohibited states from instituting poll taxes

What is the 24th Amendment


One of the big 4 civil rights organizations that worked to overturn physical segregation in public places through non-violent means

What is the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who oversaw many landmark court cases through the 50s and 60s

 Who is Chief Justice Earl Warren

Working with other people to bring about change in society

What is social activism