This Naval base was bombed on Dec 7th 1941
What is Pearl Harbor?
This Civil Rights legend advocated for Non-Violence to push for equality in the United States
Who is Martin Luther King Jr?
A type of economics that values profits instead of accountability by the government
What is Laissez-Faire economics?
This Muckraker wrote "The Jungle" to expose the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry.
Who is Upton Sinclair?
This New Deal Program helped ensure bank deposits and protect customers money
What is FDIC?
U.S, France, Great Britain, and Russia
What is The Allied Powers?
This women's rights advocate wrote the Feminine Mystique and told women there is more to life than being a wife and a housewife
Who is Betty Friedan
The mass movement of people to the West in the 19th century came from this time period
What is Westward Expansion or Manifest Destiny
This Amendment allowed women the right to vote
What is the 19th?
The security and exchange commission was created in order to regulate and protect this market
What is the Stock Market?
Won the Congressional Medal of Honor for his Bravery in WWII
Who is Vernon Baker?
This piece of legislation outlawed literacy test and voting discrimination.
What is Voting Rights Act of 1965?
This act forced Native Americans onto Reservations and led to the loss of millions of acres of land
What is the Dawes Act?
This Reformer's goal was to teach African Americans Skilled Trades so they can be useful and integrate into white society
Who is Booker T. Washington?
The policy of "Rugged Individualism"( Working hard to make your own way in America) was adopted by this president
Who is Herbert Hoover?
This man lead the D-Day Invasion on the beaches of Normandy
Who is: Supreme Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower
This Act ended segregation in all public places
What is: The Civil Rights Act of 1964
What are Political Machines?
This movement was pushed forward by women to stop their men from drinking ,and committing domestic violence against their family.
What is The Temperance Movement?
This storm caused millions of dollars in damage as it rolled throughout the south, central, and southwestern United States
What is the Dust Bowl
The Court case Korematsu V. U.S. happened because this order put Japanese Americans into Interment Camps
What is: Ex. Order 9066?
This court case ensured that all people regardless of race or ethnicity are covered under the 14th amendment.
What is Hernandez V. Texas
This was the first law that restricted a group of immigrants from entering the U.S.
What is The Chinese Exclusion Act?
The 16th and 17th Amendments were part of this group's political platform to improve their representation in government.
What is the Populist Party or Farmer's movement?
FDR got in trouble by congress because he was purposely trying to fill the court with judges that supported the New Deal
What is The Court Packing Scheme