1920s and 1930s
1950s, Cold War & Culture
1960s / Civil Rights
A phrase that means buying stocks on credit (only paying a small amount of the purchase price)
What is buying on margin?
The Italian fascist leader that invaded Ethiopia.
Who was Benito Mussolini?
This policy, which meant trying to halt the spread of communism, strongly influenced US actions during the Cold War.
What is containment?
The name for LBJ's program to help improve America by fighting poverty and advancing racial equality.
What is the Great Society?
The European country that occupied Vietnam before the U.S. was involved.
What is France?
A pilot who first flew across the Atlantic.
Who was Charles Lindbergh?
A turning point in the Pacific in WWII, it was a major naval victory for the U.S. and was considered payback for Pearl Harbor. 4 Japanese Aircraft Carriers were sunk at this battle.
What is the Battle of Midway?
This group investigated potential communist threats in the film industry, including the "Hollywood 10".
What is HUAC. House Committee on UnAmerican Activities.
The place where Cuban exiles, supported by the CIA, were defeated in their attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro of Cuba.
What is the Bay of Pigs?
This gave LBJ broad authority to conduct the war in Vietnam.
What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
3 goals of FDR's new deal (hint: three R's)
What are relief, recovery, reform?
By signing the Munich Pact, Britain and France attempted to follow this policy to avoid war in the face of German aggression.
What is appeasement?
Two benefits offered by the GI Bill.
What were low interest home and business loans and free college education.
Two types of segregation and what they mean.
De facto segregation → existing in fact / in reality De jure segregation → existing by law
This allowed North Vietnam to supply its allies the Vietcong in South Vietnam.
What is the Ho Chi Minh trail?
Examples of groups that experienced intolerance (or were targets of intolerance) in America in the 1920s. (name at least 2)
Who are communists, immigrants, and minorities?
This act allowed FDR to let other countries "whose defense was vital to the United States" borrow weapons and supplies to defend themselves. Was used by the US to help the UK defend against Germany.
What is the Lend Lease Act?
The disagreement between Truman and MacArthur was over this.
What is MacArthur wanted to escalate/broaden the Korean War and Truman feared a larger war, so he wanted to keep it limited?
The name we call the Supreme Court when it handed down opinions such as Brown v. Board of Ed., Miranda v. Arizona, and Gideon v. Wainwright.
What is the Warren Court?
The one of these that did NOT happen in 1968. Tet offensive. Invasion of Cambodia. assassination of Robert Kennedy. assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
What is the Invasion of Cambodia.
The first formal action FDR took as President.
What is declare a bank holiday?
Hitler violated this agreement when he attacked the USSR in 1941 as part of Operation Barbarossa.
What is the German-Soviet nonaggression pact?
The Dixiecrats were this.
What is Southern Democrats who opposed Truman / JFK / LBJ's Civil Rights policies?
He pushed SNCC to turn away from recruiting white volunteers and to a message of Black Pride.
Who was Stokely Carmichael?
This controversial event sparked protests at Kent State and Jackson State.
What is the invasion of Cambodia?