Gilded Age
Progressive Era
Great Depression/New Deal
Civil Rights

What were living and working conditions like during the Gilded Age?

terrible, bad

Crowded, unsafe, unsanitary

Long hours for little pay, dangerous

What is it called when workers refuse to work?



Why would soldiers wear this mask during WWI?

To protect themselves from poison gas


Who was elected President during the Great Depression?

Franklin D. Roosevelt


True or false: the police can enter your home and search your things without a warrant or probable cause

FALSE! The constitution protects you from unlawful searches and seizures


What is urbanization?

People moving from rural areas to urban areas


What were women fighting for during the Progressive Era?

The right to vote

BONUS: Banning Alcohol/Temperance 


What was a result of anti-draft protests during the Vietnam war?

The voting age was lowered to 18 (26th amendment)


What was the New Deal?

Programs that were supposed to provide RELIEF, RECOVERY, and REFORM for citizens, businesses, and the economy.


What happened in Little Rock Arkansas?

Governor Orval Faubus tried to stop 9 African American students from entering the high school. Eisenhower had to call in the National Guard to safely escort them into school.


What is a political machine/political boss?

Corrupt politicians who targeted immigrants to vote for them by bribing them. Would award their friends with government jobs when they were in power 


Who did the government usually favor when it came to strikes or labor disputes? (The workers or the business owners?)

Business owners


What was our foreign policy during the Cold War?

containment of communism


Why did Roosevelt want to add/pack more justices to the Supreme Court?

He felt that the old men were not ruling against his New Deal legislation and they needed replacing.


Civil rights leaders like John Lewis, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King Jr. are remembered for....

Using peaceful protest and political action to fight for civil rights


What was one result of the Bessemer process?

Mass production of steel = skyscrapers 


Laissez faire means...

The government is hands off, does not interfere with businesses


What territories did we acquire after the Spanish American War?

Puerto Rico, Philippines, Guam


How did the relationship between people and the government change during the 1930s?

The government now provided assistance to people in need in the form of jobs, Social Security, and direct relief payments.


What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 do?

Prohibit/outlaw discrimination in public places


What is the goal of labor unions like the American Federation of Labor?

Improve working conditions and opportunities for workers


Define these amendments:

16, 17, 18, 19

16: graduated income tax

17: direct election of senators

18: prohibition of alcohol

19: women's suffrage


How did the U.S. support the Allies during WWII before officially joining the war?

By sending weapons and aid overseas 


What are 2 reasons people did not agree with Roosevelt and the New Deal?

1) They thought the president and the government was getting too much power

2) They thought people shouldn't rely on the government for help and should be self-reliant.


During WWII, Japanese Americans were forced to relocate from their homes and businesses to detention camps in the United States. Which civil rights were violated according to the constitution?

5th Amendment: they were denied due process of law.

4th Amendment: unlawful searches and seizures

14th Amendment: Japanese citizens were discriminated against based on their race/ethnicity/heritage