Western Expansion
Manifestiny and War
Expansion of Slavery and Sectionalism
Politics and Legislation

What is Nativism? 

Political stance prioritizing interests of native-born Americans over immigrants. 


What was the Gold Rush and in what was it at it's peak?

Major influx of internal and international migration into CA in the search for gold. Led to major economic growth; 1848.


What were the major causes of the Mexican-American War?

American expansion into the Texas territory, political instability within Mexico, President Polk pushing for expansion, and economic interests in the territory.


What approach was taken in the west to solve the issue of slavery in new territories? 

Popular Sovereignty 


What document, which was never passed, suggested that all lands acquired from war with Mexico be free of slavery?

The Wilmot Proviso (1846)


How did the Irish immigrants effect American culture?

Caused a huge influx in Catholicism, very involved in politics, and anti-slavery. 


What was the political slogan that represented expansionist views in the 1840s?

54"40' or Fight!


Which treaty ended the Mexican-American War, provide the year as well. 

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1848)


What is Abolitionism?

The movement to end slavery.


Which political party had a strong nativist sentiment and anti-Catholic views?

The Know Nothing Party


What was the Mason-Dixon Line?

A symbolic boundary between slave states and free state. 

This act allowed citizens to claim 160 acres of land which they could keep after five years if they improved the land. 

The Homestead Act (1862)


What were the effects of the Mexican-American War?

Significant territorial expansion for the US


What was the Underground Railroad?

A series of "railroads" that allowed "conductors", such as Harriet Tubman, to help escaped slaves get to freedom in the North. 


What was the Mexican Cession?

The acquisition of new territories from the Mexican-American War: CA, TX, AZ, etc..


How did the German immigrants effect American culture?

Pro-schools, anti-slavery, skilled labor force; all of this contributed to nativist sentiment against the Germans. 



What were Western attitudes toward federal policy after the M-A War?

Supportive of expansionism and Manifest Destiny


Who were the major leaders on each side of the M-A War?

America: James K. Polk, General Zachary Taylor, General Winfield Scott, etc..

Mexico: Antonia Lopez de Santa Anna, Mariano Paredes y Arrillaga, etc.. 


How did international immigration effect the issue of slavery?

Typically, new immigrants were opposed to slavery which furthered polarization between the north and the south. 


What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act and what major event stemmed from it? 

Allowed Popular Sovereignty in new territories, led to Bleeding Kansas. 


How did immigrants from Asia, especially China, effect American culture? 

Large workforce for mining and railroad construction. Led to concerns from native-born Americans over job competition. 


Which major event resolved the western border issue between the US and Canada (hint: occurred in 1846)

Annexation of Oregon


What was the first major battle of the M-A War?

The Battle of Palo Alto (May 1846)


How did the global demand for cotton effect sectionalism?

The south was making more money from cotton than all other US exports - contributed to inflated confidence at the start of the Civil War. 


What were the terms of the Compromise of 1850?

1. Fugitive Slave Law in the South

2. Slave trade is banned in D.C.

3. CA is admitted as a free state

4. Popular Sovereignty in new states/territories