Premiere Advantage
Secure Advantage
New Class Agents

What is the minimum time frame you need to be on a HBP Medication for Premiere Advantage?

12+ Months


How long is the rate guarantee time frame for premiere advantage?

24 months


How long is the rate guarantee time frame for Secure Advantage?

12 months


Explain MED Guard!

MED Guard is a critical illness insurance, where upon diagnosis of a critical illness i.e Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, you will receive a lump sum benefit that can be used to offset Premiere MED deductible. Any left over funds can be used for non-medical expenses.



I am taking Lisinopril what is your next line of questioning?

How long have you been taking it? 12+months


Sleep Apnea?

Are you a smoker?

Height and weight?


What are the requirements for a herniated disc to be standard?

1 year after successful surgery and full recovery


What is the deductible for Premiere Med, maximum length of time you can stay on it, and benefit max?

$3000 deductible for a maximum of 6 months or nearest open enrollment, NO BENEFIT MAX


What is the minimum time frame you need to be on a HBP Medication for Secure Advantage?

6 months


What are the waiting periods for Basic and Major care under Secure Dental Plus?

1 month for Basic and 12 months for Major



I am taking Wellbutrin for Mild Depression what questions are you asking?

Is that through a PCP or a Psych?

Are you seeking any counseling?


How long must you be recovered from a fracture with permanent hardware(i.e Pins, Plates, and Screws) to be standard on Premiere Advantage?

1 year with full recovery


What is the difference between plan levels 1 2 and 3 and their Policy Year Maximums?

Plan level 1 no in-patient or out patient surgical benefits. $150,000

Plan level  2 Only out-patient surgical benefits $250,000

Plan level 3 has both inpatient and outpatient surgical benefits $300,000


What happens when you satisfy your maximum out of pocket on Secure Advantage?

All of your medical expenses are covered at 100% moving forward, and because the plan is guaranteed renewable you can stay on the plan until age 65.


What is the Network, Co-Pay, and benefit amount for Contacts on Premiere Vision?

Spectera Eyecare Network, $10 co-pay for $200 in benefits.


What are the deductible and benefit amounts for both Diamond and Exec Diamond under the associations blanket accident protection?

Diamond $500 for $5000

Ex Diamond $500 for $10,000


A basal cell carcinoma is standard after what time frame?

Single Episode after 6 months


How many Colonoscopies can you get per calendar year on Premiere Advantage and what is the benefit amount?

1 per calendar year with a $650 Benefit. 

You must be at least 50 years old or 40 years old with a family history of colon cancer.


What is the Maximum out of pocket for each co-insurance?

60/40 - $10k on top of deductible

70/30 - $6k on top of deductible

80/20 - $2k on top of deductible


What are the 2 elimination period options and benefit amounts on Income Protector?

14 day or 30 day elimination period

$1500 monthly benefit amount for up to 1 year


What are the 5 parts of framing the application?

Basic Demographics

Start Date

Medical Questions

Valid form of Payment

Schedule V-Call time 


Under Epilepsy Guidelines When is a Grand Mal Seizure Standard?

Controlled on one medication, last seizure 3 years ago


What is the policy year maximum for Prescription benefits on plan 1, and the benefit amounts?

$10 Benefit- Generic 

$40 Benefit - Name Brand

$800 Plan 1

$900 Plan 2

$1250 Plan 3


What is the waiting period for preventative and wellness on Secure Advantage IN COLORADO?

There is no waiting period because there is no wellness


How long is the term on life protector and what age is it renewable to?

10 year Term Life renewable until age 70


What changes when you take a credit card as a payment?

8-10% fee on monthly premiums

Monthly Premium is drawn on approval

Client has to call in to make monthly premiums

Agent takes policy as earned