does lovelace have a sibling?
5 individuals killed in Boston Square:
Boston Massacre
This rebellion proved the constitution was stable, and here to stay!
Whiskey Rebellion
7 x 4
This individual ran a 9.56 for a world record in the olympics.
Usain Bolt
Lovelace's parents are both:
Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawk indians and dumped tea into the boston harbor:
Boston Tea Party
First 10 Amendments to the Constitution:
Bill of Rights
Don't overthink it:
Your mom has 4 kids. North, South, East:
What's the name of the 4th kid?
You dummy
Which University won the NCAA womens basketball championship?
Lovelace attended what high school?
Allowed new land to become states in the US
Northwest Ordinance
General who led soldiers across Deleware River on Christmas: first president
What gets bigger the more you take out?
A hole
Who did Coach Prime, Deon Sanders, play football for in College?
Florida State
Lovelace's favorite NFL team:
First instance of self government in the new colonies
Mayflower Compact
4th President of the US
What was the word of the day?
What sport did Micheal Jordan play besides Basketball?
"This is what the state of South Carolina..."
Gives to me to give to you
This rebellion proved that the articles of confederation did not work:
Shays Rebellion
This election proved power could be transitioned peacefully, not with bloodshed!
Mammal with a pouch for babies
Which NFL franchise is notorious for constantly claiming "It's Our Year"?