Presidents leading up to the Civil War
States as of 1861

This was the compromise about slavery that was made in 1820 that stated that besides the state of Missouri, slavery would not be allowed north of the line of latitude that is 36"30'.

What was the Missouri Compromise?


She had escaped slavery in Massachusetts, and then led hundreds of people to freedom, returning to the south many times to bring people to freedom. There is a museum in Cape May dedicated to her service to the United States. 

Who was Harriet Tubman?


This was the pro-slavery party in 1861.

Who were the Democrats?


He was a slaveholder, unionist, and Mexican American War veteran nicknamed "Old Rough and Ready". He died after getting food poisoning. 

Who was Zachary Taylor?


This territory gained in the Mexican American War had a population boom after 1849 when gold was discovered there. 

What is California?


This compromise  included 5 bills based on the proposals of this man, known as the Great Compromiser. He never became president. 

Who was Henry Clay?


This is the term for a person who wanted to end slavery completely (not just the spread of it to new places). 

What is an abolitionist?


Besides the actual plantations that enslaved people produced goods on, what were two largely northern industries that relied on slavery for their profits?

What are shipping, insurance and factories that manufactured cotton products, sugar and tobacco?


He replaced Zachary Taylor, was from New York, but not against slavery because he believed the country's economy depended on it. He signed the Compromise of 1850.

Who was Millard Fillmore? 


Abolitionist Frederick Douglass had escaped slavery from the Eastern shore of this state, and left by ship to New York City, then Massachusetts. 

What is Maryland?


This compromise voided the Missouri Compromise because it stated that Kansas and Nebraska would use popular sovereignty to determine if those territories (much further north than the earlier compromise) to determine if slavery would or would not be legal there. 

What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?


These were the names of laws passed in some northern states to protect free black people from slave hunters/catchers. 

What were Liberty Laws? 


Pro-slavery people were supporters of this term, which meant the citizens of each state would vote to decide if there would or would not be slaves there.

What is popular sovereignty?


He was a very likeable experienced politician from New Hampshire, he believed slavery was protected in the Constitution. He drank heavily and was deeply depressed after losing his children, the youngest in a terrible train accident. 

Who was Franklin Pierce?


Slave or Free state: Florida. 

What is slave?


The Kansas Nebraska Act's outcomes are the unofficial start of the Civil War, with pro and anti slavery people fighting with one another directly to give Kansas this name. 

What is "Bleeding Kansas"?


These were used to warn free black people about the slave catchers in northern cities. 

What were newspaper advertisements?


Many pro-slavery people used this book to justify slavery. 

What is the Bible?


He was the Dark Horse president, who was a workaholic, only served one term, and achieved Manifest Destiny with the Mexican American War and Gadsden Purchase. 

Who was James K. Polk? 


Slave or Free State - Indiana.

What is free?


The Compromise of 1850 ended the sale of enslaved people in this city, but did not make it illegal to have slaves in this city.

What is Washington, D.C.?


This abolitionist was extremely passionate and organized resistance in Kansas to fight pro-slavery forces, as well as leading a raid (that he lost) on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry. 

Who was John Brown?


This law that was part of the Compromise of 1850 made it a crime to help runaway slaves and allowed federal agents and slave catchers to go to northern states and capture people they said were runaways. 

What is the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850?


He was elected in 1861 for the new, anti-slavery (against its expansion) political party. He was from Illinois (originally from Kentucky), a lawyer, and from a poor background. His wife was from a wealthy, slaveholding family.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?


Free or Slave state - Illinois.

What is free?