Who did Reagan consider to be the “evil empire”?
What is Soviet Union
What country was invaded by Saddam Hussein in 1990 which started the Persian Gulf War?
What is Kuwait
How much money was spent on building up our national defense in a 5-year span under Reagan? A. over 1 million dollars B. over 1 billion dollars C. over 1 trillion dollars D. over 1 gazillion dollars
What is over 1 trillion dollars
What agreement was reached between Israel and Egypt in 1973, helped by President Carter?
What is The Camp David Accords
Which best describes President Reagan’s policy on military spending? A. In order to balance the budget, spending must remain level B. In order to bring peace, spending must not increase C. In order to protect American interests, spending must increase D. In order to lower taxes, spending must decrease
What is In order to protect American interests, spending must increase
In 1989, pro-democracy Chinese demonstrators were attacked by the military and dispersed, killed, or arrested in A. Baghdad Square. B. Red Square. C. Kuwaiti Square. D. Tiananmen Square.
What is Tiananmen Square
What wall was President Reagan referring to in his 1987 speech when he said to “tear down this wall?”
What is Berlin Wall
Why did the gasoline shortage in the 70s occur? cc. Because we spilled the gasoline. dd. Because we were at war in Iraq. ee. Because the United States supported Israel in a war against Egypt and OPEC was formed. ff. Because of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
What is United States supported Israel in a war against Egypt and OPEC was formed.
the last leader of the Soviet Union before it collapsed
What is Mikael Gorbechev
This sought to promote free trade between Canada, Mexico, and the United States A. OPEC B. NATO C. NAFTA D. SEATO
What is NAFTA
How did the Soviet policies of perestroika and glasnost help bring an end to the Cold War? A. They strengthened Eastern European support for the Communist system B. They convinced the United States to end its military buildup C. They helped cause the fall of communist regimes in Eastern Europe D. They banned the demonstrations of Polish workers in the Gdansk shipyard
What is They helped cause the fall of communist regimes in Eastern Europe
This scandal resulted from a secret effort to arm anti-Communist rebels in Nicaragua A. Iran-Contra Affair B. Monica Lewinsky Affair C. Watergate D. Savings and Loan Scandal
What is Iran-Contra Affair
What was a major reason that President George Bush responded forcefully to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait? A. He wanted to protect the flow of oil to the West B. He wanted to keep the United Nations out of any conflict C. He feared that Iraq would invade the United States next D. He feared the spread of Communism in the Middle East
What is He wanted to protect the flow of oil to the West
This man became the leader of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union A. Vladimir Putin B. Mikhail Gorbachev C. Boris Yeltsin D. Josef Stalin
What is Boris Yeltsin
I was the first president to resign my office after I was caught up in the Watergate scandal. I am
What is Richard Nixon
What country did Israel defeat in war in the early 1970’s, resulting in gasoline shortages in the United States?
What is Egypt
Bill Clinton was only the second President to be impeached. The other was A. Andrew Jackson B. Jimmy Carter C. Andrew Johnson D. Richard Nixon
What is Andrew Johnson
In 1993, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel Went to war. Merged together as one country. Signed a major peace treaty. Built a wall to separate the two countries
What is Signed a major peace treaty
I was the last leader of the Soviet Union before it collapsed. I am A. Vladimir Lenin B. Vladimir Putin C. Mikhail Gorbachev D. Boris Yeltsin
What is Mikhail Gorbachev
Johnson’s program for the nation was called the
What is Great Society
I was Richard Nixon’s vice-president, although I was forced to resign for tax evasion. I am
What is Spiro Agnew
I was President Nixon’s successful Secretary of State – not bad for a guy who emigrated here from Germany! I am A. Arnold Schwarzenegger B. Henry Kissinger C. Adolf Galland D. Augustus Gloop
What is Kissinger
I was a leader of the Civil Rights movement until I was assassinated in Memphis. I am
What is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I was a peanut farmer from Georgia until I was elected president in 1976. I am
What is Jimmy Carter
Richard Nixon’s program to end the war in Vietnam was called
What is “Vietnamization.”