In criminological investigations, which statistical test is used to compare the means of two independent groups?
What is T-test
What is the primary purpose of using crime rates in criminology?
What is to determine the frequency of reported crimes in a given population.
What is the main reason for employing inferential statistics in criminology research?
What is using sample data, make predictions or inferences about a population.
What is the main goal of predictive modeling in criminology?
What is using historical data and patterns, anticipate or predict future criminal behavior.
What is the primary purpose of law enforcement's community policing?
What is to address crime and public safety issues by forming constructive partnerships between the police and the community.
What statistical test should be used to investigate the association between two category variables in crime analysis?
What is Chi-square test
What measure of central tendency is typically used to describe a city or region's usual crime rate?
What is Mean
What is the distinction between qualitative and quantitative criminological research methodologies?
What is the goal of qualitative research is to understand behavior using non-numerical data, whereas quantitative research is concerned with numerical data and statistical analysis.
In predictive modeling, what statistical technique is typically used to find the most relevant variables contributing to criminal behavior?
Logistic regression
Identify one essential principle of problem-solving policing.
What is rather than reacting to specific instances, identify and solve the underlying causes of repeated problems.
Which statistical test should be used in a study assessing the efficiency of three distinct policing techniques in reducing crime rates?
What is ANOVA
What statistical measure can represent the overall percentage change in crime when comparing crime rates between two years?
What is change in percentage or differential
Name one advantage and one disadvantage of convenience sampling in criminal research.
What is quick data collecting is an advantage. Limitation: May not accurately represent the full population.
What is the objective of feature selection in predictive modeling while developing a crime prediction model?
What is to reduce complexity by selecting the most relevant variables that influence or predict criminal conduct.
How does hot spot policing intend to lower crime rates?
What is to deter criminal behavior, law enforcement resources are concentrated in specific high-crime areas.
Which statistical measure would best depict the relationship between age at first offense and chance of reoffending when investigating the correlation?
What is Point-biserial correlation
Which visualization style is appropriate for depicting the geographical distribution of crime occurrences when evaluating crime patterns across multiple neighborhoods in a city?
What is crime heat maps.
In criminology research, how does a longitudinal study vary from a cross-sectional study?
What is a longitudinal study tracks people over time, whereas a cross-sectional study collects information at a particular point in time.
What role does decision tree analysis have in analyzing criminal behavior patterns?
What is it aids in the identification of decision rules and routes that lead to various criminal outcomes dependent on variables.
Describe the Broken Windows Theory and its application to policing techniques.
Answer: According to the hypothesis, obvious evidence of disorder (such as broken windows) might contribute to an increase in crime if ignored. It stresses dealing with minor transgressions in order to prevent major ones.
What is obvious evidence of disorder might contribute to an increase in crime if ignored. It stresses dealing with minor transgressions in order to prevent major ones.
Which statistical test would best evaluate this scenario in a research comparing crime rates before and after the establishment of a community policing program within a single city?
What is Paired samples t-test
Explain the usage and limits of the Index Crime Rate against the Crime Index Rate for studying crime trends over the last decade.
What is the Crime Index Rate includes more types of crimes than the Index Crime Rate, although variations in recorded offenses might make year-to-year comparisons difficult.
Describe the methods and factors involved in designing and carrying out a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to determine the effectiveness of a crime prevention program.
What is In evaluating interventions, RCTs use random assignment, control groups, and ethical considerations. Planning, recruitment, implementation, and analysis are all steps.
Discuss the difficulties and ethical implications related with applying predictive analytics in criminal justice, focusing on bias, fairness, and privacy concerns.
What is predictive analytics may reinforce biases, infringe privacy, and present ethical quandaries in law enforcement over fairness and the potential for discrimination.
Discuss the problems and successes of using intelligence-led policing techniques to reduce crime rates, taking into account factors such as data integration and privacy concerns.
What is while addressing crime patterns and improving resource allocation, intelligence-led policing has issues in data sharing, privacy, and assuring correct analysis.