Principles of Research
Analyzing Developmental Research
Analyzing Developmental Research
Conducting Research in Schools
Application in the Classroom
What is a sample?
The specific participants in a research study
How are interviews conducted?
Face to face
What is a naturalistic study?
A research study in which individuals are observed in their natural environment.
What can you do to get children to open up to you?
Show that you care, ask open ended questions, ask about their experiences.
What is one way to gain information from a student about a particular topic or how they feel?
Ask them questions
What is a primary concern for researchers?
That they conduct their research in an ethical manner
What is a test?
A test is an instrument designed to assess knowledge abilities or skills in a fairly consistent fashion from one individual to the next.
What is an observation?
A data collection technique whereby a researcher carefully observes and documents the behaviors of participants in a research study
What is the difference between note taking and note making
Note taking is writing down what you see and note making is going back and writing down your interpretation of what you saw.
Name a few places within a school setting you can observe your students (name three)
1, 2, 3
What is the major concern for researchers to conduct their research in an ethical manner?
So they do not exploit the subjects and or obtain accurate data
What are self reports?
Are research or data that comes from children’s and adolescences own statements about themselves -explaining their beliefs, attitudes, hopes and frustrations
What are physiological measures?
Indications of such bodily conditions such as heart rate, hormone levels, bone growth, brain activity, eye movements, body weight and lung capacity.
What is a running record?
Narrative summaries of a child's activity.
Give an example of a self report you may use in your classroom?
interview or questionnaire
What are the steps of the scientific method?
1. Pose a question 2. Design an investigation 3. Collect data 4. Analyze the data 5. Share the results
What are the Four primary techniques for collecting information?
Four Primary Techniques for Collecting Information: Self Reports Tests and other Assessment Tasks Physiological Measures Observations of Behavior
What is a strength and a weakness in observations?
Strengths: tells us, as researchers, what children actually do not simply what they say or what parents may report. Weaknesses: the presences of an observer might change the behaviors under investigation. This change in behavior can be both a positive or a negative effect
.What is the difference between a checklist and a rating scale?
A rating scale shows how often or consistently the child shows a particular behavior
If you want to interview or observe a student what is the most important thing to do before you start?
Get parent consent.
What are the specific ethical standards researchers follow to protect children's rights?
-Do not harm -Obtain consent -Preserve children's privacy -Be honest -Communicate openly
What is a cross-sectional study and what is a longitudinal study?
cross-sectional study: research in which the performance of individuals at different ages is compared. longitudinal study: research in which the performance of a single group of people is tracked over a period of time.
What is an experimental study and what is a control group?
experimental study: research in which a researcher manipulates one aspect of the environment (a treatment), controls other aspects of the environment, and assesses the treatment’s effects on participants behavior. control group: a group of participants in a research study who do not receive the treatment under investigation; often used in an experimental study.
What are some different ways to observe children?
Child development, how children respond in different settings, non verbal behaviors, separate observations from inferences
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!! If you were able to research something in your classroom what would it be?