Gina is talking to her friend Reeya about a fight she had with her mom. Reeya keeps looking down at her phone every time she hears a sound come from it. What should Gina do?
Reeya should ignore her phone or put it away so she can be a good friend and listen to her problem.
It is ok to cross the street and answer a phone call at the same time.
True or False.
What are some ways to stand up for someone who is bullied online?
Report the comment, block the person, and/or tell an adult.
Cellphones or tablets should be allowed at the dinner table.
True or False?
You wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep. You see your phone and want to watch videos to help you fall back asleep.
What should you do?
Do not reach for your phone as it will keep you awake longer. Instead, you can try reading a book or any other calming activity to help you sleep.
It is ok to give private information on a website that you have never been on before.
True or False.
Sally is meeting her friend at a new restaurant and does not know how to get there. How can she use her phone to help her?
She can use the maps app to help her find the location.
You end up on a website that has big words that you do not understand.
What should you do?
Close the website or ask an adult if it is safe for you to use.
It is OK to post family pictures on the Internet so friends and family can view them.
True or False.
Depends. Most times, when you post pictures online people outside of your family and friends circle might be able to see them too. If you do share pictures online, you will want to use privacy controls.
It is ok to answer a text message on the phone while driving.
True or False.
Cyberbullying is any bullying behaviour that takes place online and more than once.
True or False.
It is ok to open an email from somebody you don't know.
True or False.
False. Someone you don't know may get your personal information this way.
You have been watching your favourite show on your computer for the last 3 hours. It is past your bedtime. You want to keep watching but know you have to get up early for school tomorrow morning.
What should you do?
Turn off your computer and go to bed. You don't want to be tired and grumpy before you go to bed.
If you see a friend being bullied online, you should stand up for them.
True or False.
It is a good idea to charge your device away from where you sleep so you don't use it before bed. It's important to get your rest so you can have a great next day.
True or False.