General Principles
The Kaplan Way

A 60 year old man comes to the physician because of drooping right eyelid. He says that he noticed that his right pupil is smaller than his left. Physical examination shows miosis and ptosis on the right, and a horse voice. Which of the following underlying conditions is likely cause of this disorder? 

Bronchogenic Carcinoma, 

Cacernous Sinus Thrombosis

Mitral Valve Prolaps

Third Nerve Palsy 

Bronchogenic Carcinoma


A 54 year old Hispanic man comes to the physician because of skin lesions. Physical examination sows several disfiguring lesions on the face an there is loss of cutaneous sensation for light touch, pain, and temperature. Histologic examination of the lesions shows multinucleated giant cells. Which of the following is most likely to be found on the surface of these cells? 







The outermost layer of both adrenal cortices are ablated in experimental animals. The middle and inner cortical layers, as well as the medula, are left intact. Following recovery from the surgery, these animals are most likely to require which of the following therapies? 

Angiotensin II receptor blocker 


High potassium diet 

Sodium Supplementation 


Sodium Supplementation. 


A 4 year old boy is brought to the physician by his mother because of a fever of 38.3C (101F), rash, and urticaria. His mother states that he has been complaining about pain in his hands, wrists, and knees. he has recent history of an upper respiratory tract infection, for which he completed a 10 day course of cefacior. Which of the following is the most appropriate therapy for this patient's condition. 

Aspirin and diphenhydramine 

Azithromycin and diphenhydramine

Betamethasone and erthromycin 

Penicillin and diphenydramine 

Prednisone and diphenhydramine

Prednisone and diphenhydramine


She's about 5'7, who loves Yoga! Who could she be? & What is her title? 

Ashley Bell-Barrett/DSO & Student Experience Manager


A 35-year old woman comes to the emergency department because of severe cramping abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. She is pregnant with her first cild and is 21 weeks gestation age. She has had prenatal care and a first trimester ultrasound had revealed delayed intrauterine growth, microcephaly, cleft palate, and polydactyly. On admission, she delivers a stillborn fetus. The placenta appears normal without infarcts, hemorrhage, or infection. The umbilical cord shows a single umbilical artery. Autopsy examination of the fetus reveals low set ears, omphalocele, cardiac ventricular septal defect, and horseshoe kidney. Polydactyly is noted: hands are not clenched an do not have overlapping fingers. A chromosomal abnormality is suspected. Which of the following features would most likely also be present in this fetus. 

Absent Cerebellar vermis and enlarged fourth ventricle 

Corpus Callosum agensis and smooth Philtrum 

Cyclopia and holoprosencephaly 

Hyptelorism and Micrognathia 


Cyclopia and holoprosencephaly. 


A 12 year old body form Michigan is brought to the emergency department because of a fever and severe right lower quadrant abdominal pain. A diagnosis of appendicitis is made an a laparotomy is performed. The appendix is found to be normal but the mesenteric lymph nodes are markedly enlarged and contain focal areas of microabcessess. A specimen from the patient's abdomen is streaked for isolation and shows gram-negative rods that grow at 25c (77F). By which of the following means was the pathogen most likely acquired? 

Anthropod vector

Contaminated ground beef 

Contaminated Milk 

Dog bite

Endogenous Flora

Contaminated Milk


A 45 year old man with a history of severe acid reflux is admitted to the hospital for biopsies of the antral and duodenal mucosa. Samples are prepared for light microscopy as well as fluorescence immunohistochemistry. Which of the following hormones is most likely to be detected in tissue from both biopsy samples? 


Gastric inhibitory peptide 






A 52 year old man with history of a renal transplant is maintained on a multidrug immunosuppressive regimen. One of the immunosuppressants acts by inhibiting IL-2 receptor activation. Which of the following drugs is the patient likely receiving? 








She a lover of all animals, she may even like to be referred to as the Mother of Cats LOL 

Flor De Maria Hernandez :) 


A 45 year old multigravid woman comes to the physician because of pelvic plain that is worse immediately before and during her menstrual period. A bimanual pelvic examination and pap smear show no abnormalities. An ultrasound of her pelvic organs shows nonfocal thickening of the myometrium with normal appearing ovaries. Which of the following is the most likely underlying cause of these findings? 


Endometrial Polyps 






A 10 year-old boy is brought to the physician because of repeated shoulder dislocations. His mother states that the shoulder typically "pops back by itself" The patient appears short for his age. His temperature is 36.9C (98.5F) pulse is 76/min, and blood pressure is 104/67 mm HG. Physical examination shows a small jaw forehead size. Several bruises on the shins and elbows, and hyper extensible joints. Otherwise he appears to be healthy. Which of the following is most likely abnormal in this patient.

Alpha 1 antitrypsin 


Copper Transporter 


Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 



A healthy 25 year old woman begins a program that includes weight lifting, a high intensity static exercise. During such exercise, her cardiac, output, heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and systemic vascular resistance all increase. Which of the following is most likely to occur within her skeletal muscles during contraction while performing this type of exercise? 

-Decreased blood flow and increased vascular resistance 

-Decreased extracellular potassium concentration 

Increased arterilar diameter and increased flow 

-Increased ATP/ADP ratio

-Increased intracellular potassium concentration 

Decreased blood flow and increased vascular resistance. 


Researchers at a Pharmaceutical Company are attempting to develop more effective HIV medications. Currently their primary target is the blockade of HIV gp 120. Which of the following existing antiviral agents shares this mechanism of action?  








Name all of the Kaplan front desk Employees

Nelson, Ekene, Astrid, Hari, & Dayna


A 45 year old man with a history of untreated hypercholesterolemia and hypertension is brought to the emergency department after collapsing at home. He never regains consciousness, and he dies 8 hours later. An autopsy shows a massive intracerbral hemorrhage filling the vehicles. Which of the following is most likely to be identified as the location of the bleeding. 

Basal ganglia and internal capsule 

Central white matter

Cerebellum and medula


Thalamus and hyothalamus 

Basal ganglia and internal capsule 


A study is conducted to determine the relationship between the amount of time (in weeks) spent studying for the USMLE and the score that the person makes on the exam. Which of the following methods will most likely be used to evaluate the finding of the study? 

Analysis of variance 

Chi square analysis 

Meta Analysis 

Person correlation 

Pearson Correlation 


A 26 year old woman, gravica 4, para 0, at 10 weeks gestation comes to the physcian for a routine prenatal examination. Her pregnacy has been uneventful, however she has a history of 3 clinical spontaneous abortions. Testing shows that serum progesterone levels are substantially below the usual range for this stage of pregnancy. Deficiency of which of the following most likely is responsible for the low productions of progesterone? 

Antidiuretic hormone

Follicle stimulating hormone

Human chorionic gonadotropin

Lutenizing hormone


Human Chorionic Gonaotropin


A 57-year old man comes to the physician because of palpaitations and fatigue. Further evaluation shows atrial fibrillation, and treatment is begun with a medication that acts by inhibiting sodium-potassium ATPase. Three weeks later he returns to the physician for a follow-up examination with a complaint of yellow/green visual halos, dizziness and abdominal pain. His serum drug levels as well above the therapeutic range. This patient is at highest risk for developing which of the following? 

Acute renal failure 

Cardiac Arrhythmia 



Tonic Clonic Seizures

Cardiac Arrhythmia 


When was Kaplan Test Prep Founded



A 38 year-old woman comes to the physician because of a mass in her neck. A thyriod scan shows a 2-cm mass that does not concentrate radiosotopes. Aspiration of the mass shows clusters of neoplastic thyroid epithelial cells. Examination of the tissue shows microscopic blood vessels and fibrous stroma within the cell clusters. Which of the following features would most likely be present in the aspirated material?

Anthracotic pigment 

Lipofuscin pigment

Mallory bodies 

Psammoma bodies

Russell bodies  

Psamomama bodies


A 3 month old boy has delayed motor development. Nine months later, he develops spasticity and writhing movements. Two years later, he exhibits compulsive biting of fingers and lips and constantly bangs his head. By age 14 he develops arthritis and by age 20 he develops renal failure. Which of the following is most likely to be increased in serum in this patient?

Cerebroside Sulfate 


Monosodium Urate

Orotic Acid 


Monosodium urate


An investigator is measuring Na* fluxes in ventricular cardiac muscle to evaluate the validity of using the electrocardiogram (ECG) to assess the safety of antiarrythmic drugs. Simultaneous measurements of myocardial Na* Fluxes and ECGs are recorded from intact hearts under control conditions and when selective Na* channel blockers are administered. Under control conditions, during which phase of the ECG is the NA* conductance greatest? 

P wave

PR interval 

QRS complex

ST interval 

T wave

QRS Complex


A 54 year-old man with a history of acute myelogenous leukemia comes to the physician because of a recent occurrence of of generalized weakness, pallor and bruises on his legs. Physical examination shows several small hemorrhagic rashes on his legs that are not palpable. Treatment with chemotherapy is begun. Which of the following drugs should also be given? 








Who is the creator & founder of Kaplan Test Prep

Stanley Kaplan