Birth Parents
Adoptive Family

Minimum number of counseling sessions that must be offered/provided to "preexisting mothers."

What is 3. Adoptive parents are also required to pay for up to 3 post-placement counseling sessions if requested and agreed to by the birth parent PRIOR to placement. 


Minimum time after placement when an adoption can be finalized. 

What is 3 months. Best practice includes providing a minimum of 3 post placement visits prior to finalization. Adoptions cannot be contested, even if there was fraud, once finalized. Ethical practice may include slowing down the finalization to a minimum of 6 months. 


Age at which an adoptee can request non-identifying information about their birth parents

What is 18?


When a DCFS Adoption Subsidy can be put in place.

What is prior to the finalization of the adoption. Subsidies can be provided for a child with Special Needs --Age 5 or older; or under the age of 5 with a physical, emotional, or mental disability (if in foster care and under 5 must be able to show child is at risk to develop such a condition due to specific factors identified in the child's or birth parents' health and social histories; or a member of a sibling group placed together for adoption


This type of counseling is provided free of charge to expectant parents by CSS and includes exploring ALL of the expectant parent's choice which may include parenting, abortion, and adoption. 

What is Ethical Options Counseling. 

Allowable time frame for a birth parent to change their mind about placing child for adoption. 

When is anytime prior to signing legal documents for relinquishment. There is no period of revocation in Utah once the relinquishment paperwork is completed. 


The information that Utah Law requires must be shared by the adoptive parents with the birth parents.

What is None or No information? Legally, no information is required to be passed to the birth parents; however in more open relationships the BPs may receive the adoptive parent profile, may meet with APs face-to-face, and/or may personally know the APs.


Utah-born adoptees, who have permission from the birth parents or who know the birth parents are deceased can receive a copy of their original birth certificate without going to court. These non-certified copies can be accessed through _____________.


What is The Utah Adoption Registry? Both the adoptee and the birth parents need to create a user account with the Utah Adoption Registry in order to officially request or give permission to access these records. There is a registration fee of $25.If both parties are registered and provide the necessary information, these records will be available to adoptees. 


These types of expenses must be disclosed in a court of law.

What are ALL expenses paid to or on behalf of the birth parents and child?


A contract between two states when a child has been approved to be placed with a family in another state. This contract can be initiated by private parties, courts, attorneys, and private or public child welfare agencies. 

What is the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC). 


Utah Law does not require the birth mother to _________________ .

What is Name a birth father?  If a birth father resides in Utah, Utah Law does not require the birth mother to notify him of her pregnancy or her adoption plan. If the birth father resides in a state other than Utah, the paternity laws of that state must be followed. If the expectant/birth mother is married, husband is automatically "father."  Ethical adoption practice is for BF to be notified and included in the adoption plan whenever possible, even though not legally required.


Adoptive parents must be at least ____ years old to be eligible to adopt and at least ____ years older than the child they plan to adopt

What is 21 years old and 10 years older?


Age at which a child must provide consent to an adoption

What is 12 or older? Unless prevented from doing so by a disability.


These gifts are allowable for APs to provide to BPs.

What are simple gifts such as a gift basket, memento, picture book, dinner, etc.


Age at which a birth parent is able to sign legal documents required for an adoption.

What is any age? Or What is No Set Age limit? Birth parents who are minors are able to sign all legal documents required for placing a child for adoption.


The information that must be provided to adoptive parents by the birth parents.

What is social and medical background history. Includes information related to medical conditions, prenatal care, height, weight, interests, hair, eye color, professional achievements and education, etc. 


Name at least three documents that must be included as part of the Adoptive Parents File

What are the completed home study, adoptive parents orientation form, acknowledgement of receipt of pre-existing parent orientation form, Medical evaluation forms, description of documented income/expenses, home inspection, background check results, at least 4 letters of reference, rights and responsibilities, marriage/divorce certificates, marriage certificates, proof of U.S. citizenship, proof etc.?


There are 7 issues are considered the core issues in adoption. Name ALL of these core issues.

What are rejection, shame/guilt, grief, identity, intimacy, mastery/control, loss


Expenses that are allowable to be paid to/or on behalf of birthparents by an adoptive family or agency.

What are medical and living expenses directly related to the pregnancy? These include: legal expenses, maternity expenses, medical expenses, hospital expenses, counseling, travel, and temporary living expenses during pregnancy and recovery. Ethical practice includes paying the service provider directly and not providing cash payments to expectant/birth parents. 


Children who are born in the United States to undocumented parents  ______ allowed to be placed for adoption?

What is "Are" allowed?  


ICWA mandates that Native American Tribes must be notified when..

What is when either parent has Native American heritage. Notice must be given to ALL tribes in which the child is a member or is eligible for membership. Notice enables a tribe to investigate and determine whether the child would be eligible for membership. 


Individuals who are separated from their legal spouse ____________ adopt a child in Utah.

What is not adopt a child in Utah without written consent of their estranged spouse.


Utah maintains a ______________ which adoptees, birth parents, and birth siblings may use to facilitate the disclosure of identifying information, or to access an adoptee's original birth certificate. An adopted person's birth record become public record _______ years after the date of adoption. 

What is Mutual Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry and 100 years. 


Agencies must show that all fees paid and received (including fees paid to the agency by the adoptive parents) are directly related to...

What is the well-being/best-interest of the adoptee.


While agency adoptions are usually more expensive than a Private Adoption Placement there are advantages to using a licensed adoption agency including __________, ________, _________. 

What are the counseling and emotional support for all parties, the wait time to be selected can be shorter, the screening of potential BPs to avoid fraud, the coordination of the hospital plan and placement of the baby?