  • What is the result of the human search for answers? 



Special revelation:

God revealing himself through scripture 


Define authority

Influence and Command 


What is the only proper response to the scriptural understanding of God?



What role did God assign human beings in creation?

  • After creating man and woman, God said to them,

    •  “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and 

    • subdue it and 

    • have dominion” 


Describe what the Bible is and is not

The Bible is not a book of rules, or a book of heroes. It is a story of how God loves and rescues his children.


General revelation

God revealing himself through nature


What do you know about the composition of the Bible?

  • ____ books in the ____Testament

    • Old Testament sections: history, poetry and prophecy

  • ____ books in the ____ Testament

    • Main sections: history, epistles (letters), and apocalyptic books

  • 39 books in the Old Testament

    • Old Testament sections: history, poetry and prophecy

  • 27 books in the New Testament

    • Main sections: history, epistles (letters), and apocalyptic books


If God is beyond comprehension, how can we get to know him?

God has revealed himself in creation and the Bible. However, the fullest way we know God is through Jesus Christ. 


What can we learn about God’s nature and character from the creation account?

Elohim (God) is a generic designation for deity and focuses on God as the creator of the whole world.

Yahweh (the Lord) is the personal and covenantal name of the God who redeemed his people from Egypt and brought them into covenant relationship with himself. 


4 Important reasons to study the Bible

  • The Bible is part of world literature 

  • The Bible changed Western civilization

  • Knowledge of the Bible is the mark of an educated person 

  • Knowledge of the Bible is the mark of a moral person 

  • Worldviews and their sacred texts

    • ______- Quran 

    • _________- Humanist Manifesto 

    • Libertarians- Atlas Shrugged 

    • ________- The Communist Manifesto

    • Hindus- Bhagavad Gita 

    • Christianity- Bible 

  • Muslims- Quran 

  • Secular Humanists- Humanist Manifesto 

  • Libertarians- Atlas Shrugged 

  • Marxists- The Communist Manifesto

  • Hindus- Bhagavad Gita 

  • Christianity- Bible 


What are the 3 most common objections to the authority of the Bible:

  • The Bible was only written by men.

  • The Bible has been corrupted over time

  • The Bible is incomplete; important books have been left out


What is a metanarrative?

A metanarrative is an overarching grand story that explains the world and everything in it. It’s the story by which we make sense of all other stories. 


What different contexts will help us understand the creation story in Genesis?

  • Literary context: includes things like genre, structure, grammar, and a text’s place within the larger perspective of Scripture. 

  • Historical context: considers the time and place in which the author wrote, and what the author and audience would have assumed to be true about life and the world.

  • Theological context: includes the balance provided by the whole Bible. How did other biblical authors speak of creation, and how did this affect the way their hearers lived?


8 characteristics of God’s authority

  • hard/ soft

  • intrinsic/ extrinsic 

  • relational/hierarchical 



How the Bible is different from other holy books 

  • The Bible is

    • Special _______ from God 

    • ________ by God 

    • ________ in the original documents 

    • Influential in human history

  • The Bible is:

    • Special revelation from God 

    • Inspired by God 

    • Inerrant in the original documents 

    • Influential in human history


American’s concept of God can be arranged into what 4 categories?

authoritative, benevolent. critical, distant 


How do postmodernists treat all metanarratives, including the biblical one?

Postmodernists believe that all metanarratives should be regarded with suspicion. No overarching story of life actually encompasses the truth about all reality, not even the Bible. Truth is subjective.

  • What does the biblical creation account affirm about creation and the creator?

    • The direct hand of one God in every phase of _____

    • The distinction between creation and the ______

    • That creation is purposeful and _____ 

    • The special creation of _______ 

  • The direct hand of one God in every phase of creation

  • The distinction between creation and the creator

  • That creation is purposeful and good 

  • The special creation of humanity 

  • 5 questions we all must answer:

    • _____: where did we come from? 

    • ______: who are we?

    • ______: what is real and true and how do we know?

    • ______: how should we live? 

    • _______: what happens next?

  • Origin: where did we come from? 

  • Identity: who are we?

  • Meaning: what is real and true and how do we know?

  • Morality: how should we live? 

  • Destiny: what happens next?

  • Benefits gained from careful study of the Bible

    • ________ 

    • Insight into how to bear ________

    • _______ from spiritual bondage 

    • ______ in life 

    • The ability to grasp truth and defeat error 

  • Benefits gained from careful study of the Bible

    • Blessing 

    • Insight into how to bear spiritual fruit 

    • Freedom from spiritual bondage 

    • Direction in life 

    • The ability to grasp truth and defeat error 


Incommunicable and Communicable Attributes of God

I: Holy, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and unchanging

C: Wisdom, righteousness, love, mercy and grace


Outline the biblical story as a drama about the kingdom of God

  • ACT 1: god established his kingdom through creation 

  • ACT 2: humans rebelled 

  • ACT 3: God initiated redemption by choosing the nation of Israel 

  • ACT 4: Christ came as king and accomplished redemption 

  • ACT 5: news of the king’s redemption spread and this formed the church 

  • ACT 6: the king returns and completes God’s plan of redemption 


What is the nature of sin?

  • Sin is an act of unbelief, a refusal to trust God.

  • Sin is a desire for autonomy, a drive to do things our own way. 

  • Sin is an act of irresponsibility, a failure to care for others. 

  • Sin is an act of rebellion, an active choice to go against what God says is best.