John Locke
John Rawls
What is the main focus for utilitarianism?
The greatest good for the most amount of people
You're standing next to a fork in the train tracks, with access to the lever that changes the direction the train will take. The train cannot be stopped, and if left as it is, it will run over and kill 5 people standing at the end of the tracks. If, however, you pull the lever the train will change directions, killing the 1 person standing at the end of that fork. What is your course of action?
Your course of action would be to change the direction of the train and kill the 1 person instead of letting the five die.
What religion did John Locke practice?
What was the center of his philosophy?
The theory of Justice
According to utilitarians, is it better to give Vidovic an apple or to create a faster form of transportation for the world that runs on renewable resources?
Transportation system sadly
Which theory holds the most value according to John Stuart Mills?
The theory of utility
Your government intelligence department has learned of a bomb that has been planted by a terrorist group in a major shopping center. Unfortunately, you don't know which shopping center it is, or even what area in general. But, you do have two captive members of the terrorist group. Of course, they refuse to say anything or provide any information. Members of your department inform you that they have the capability of torturing information out of the suspects by using very brutal tactics. What do you do? Let the bomb go off, or torture the information out of the terrorists? What is your course of action?
Your course of action is to terrorize the terrorists until they confess.
Where did Locke believe rights came from?
They are given to us by god.
What was a philosophy made by John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant, that was made modern by Rawls?
Veil of darkness
Which was a better idea according to utilitarians: creating pokemon and selling it to people across the world, or using the money it would have taken to produce the game and distribute it among your next door neighbors?
Pokemon because it provides pleasure or good for the most amount of people compared to choice b.
Which school of thought that argues that pleasure is the only intrinsic good?
What is the main principle of Utilitarianism?
Greatest good for the most amount of people
What three rights did Locke believe were unalienable?
Life, liberty, property
In his theory of Justice, Rawls cites which two principles as being most important?
Equality and liberty
What century did john Stuart mill live in?
19th century
How influential are morals in the utilitarian view?
They are irrelevant and hold no value when making decisions.
According to all Utilitarianism, is all pleasure the same kind of pleasure?
What is the law of nature?
Our natural rights can not be given up or taken from someone else.
What was the type of contract included in his philosophy?
Social contract
What is the capitol of Azerbaijan
Whose ideology did John Stuart Mills follow?
Jeremy Bentham's ideology.
Who is the founder of Utilitarianism?
John Stuart Mills.
What did it mean to be free to Locke?
To be able to recognize one's own rights are unalienable
The veil of ignorance was used to find the what in a current issue?
One million people, counting you, are trapped in a room that contains 2 buttons and a metal door that cannot be opened by force. The only way to open the door is by hitting one of the buttons. The first button will kill 2cos(60)+1 million people, whereas the second button will kill 8tan(45)+ 1 million people. Both of these groups of people are living normal lives and are not in any danger except by the button. After pressing a button, the door will open and all one million of you will be set free and are guaranteed to live. What would the utilitarians recommend be done?
Let yourselves die. There will be fewer casualties than there would be from either button.