Call Monitoring

How long can you leave a client on hold for before you need to check back in with them?

What is 60 seconds


What action will you take on a referral if you contact the client for the first attempt but are not able to reach them?

What is hold the referral in review. 


How many follow up attempts should you make on an open OON case?

What is two attempts ideally over 2 weeks. 


What do you need to complete before you can share resources with a proactive client?

What is the consent form. 


Name 2 strategies you can use to demonstrate active listening during a call. 

What are using minimal encouragers, paraphrasing, reflecting feelings, etc. 


What is the standard workflow for reaching out on a new inbound referral?

What is call/text day one and day two. Close on day 3. 


True or false: We do not need to follow up with users to make sure that external cases are updated. 

What is true. 


True or false: If a client requests a call back, we should wait until the next round of contact attempts starts before calling them back. 

What is false. We should call clients back at their preferred contact time even if it occurs before the next round of contact attempts. 


What 3 items do you need to cover during the closing of your call? 

What are:

"May I help with anything else"

"May I follow up with you (date/time) to see if you received services?"

"Encourage reconnect with I and R service if issue persists or new issue arises"


When should you take action on referrals that were rejected by the receiving organization or referrals that you recalled due to the organization not responding to the referral?

What is immediately. 


What tools can you utilize for keeping track of follow ups for OON cases

What are google calendar, task list, spreadsheets, or google docs. 


If you need to close out an assistance request, which option should you select from the take action button?

What is "serve" 


You receive a referral for a client that is in need of food pantries. The client has a baby and a 5 year old. What are some additional needs that you think would be helpful to ask about during the call? 

What are:

SNAP/WIC, transportation, diapers/baby supplies, clothing


If a referral is missing contact information, what are your next steps?

What is reach out to the sending user 2x over 3 business days. If no response, close out the referral. 


True or false: Internal cases should be used for documenting OON resources.

What is false. Internal cases should be used to make initial contact attempts for a batch referral or to close out a referral. If we are providing resources, we want to open an OON case. 


How does documentation for assistance requests differ from documentation for cases/referrals? 

What is documentation occurs on the facesheet instead of on the referral or case. 


Name the full introductory script (you can use the customer/network of your choice)

What is "This is Marla, and I work in partnership with Sally at Sentara Health Plans.  She shared that you may need help with food.  I’d like to help you.  My role is to help connect you to resources that may be able to assist you.  I want you to think of me as your point of contact as we work together to find resources for you through the Unite Us East Network”.


If you send a referral in network and the referral is not responded to within 24 hours, what are your next steps?

What is make 2 attempts to contact a user at the receiving organization and then recall the referral by the 4th business day. 


A client has the following service needs: Housing, SNAP, and clothing. How many OON cases should you create if there were no in network resources that the client was eligible for?

What is 3


If you want to create an OON case from an assistance request, what steps would you need to take?

What is select take action, refer, and then toggle to OON.