I am the 18th called minister of First Parish Arlington
Who is Marta Flanagan
The number of flags hanging outside First Parish Arlington
What is two.
What is the flaming chalice
I am the current chair of Parcom, the governing body of First PArish Arlington
Who is Ana Quaadgras?
corner of Mass Av and Pleasant Streets
what is where is First Parish Arlington located
The name of the annual gathering of the Unitarian Universalist Association
What is the General Assembly
I am the current President of the UUA.
Who is Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt?
Chair of Parcom at FP Arlington
Who is Ana Quaadgras?
The number of UU churches in the US- give or take a few...
What is slightly over 1000- 1081 in 2023.
I am a recently deceased beloved poet of many UUs
Who is Mary Oliver
A notable type of artwork found at FP Arlington
What are all beautiful quilts hung in many places
This is this year's Common Read in the UUA
What is Authentic Selves
The benediction said every Sunday
What is "May faith in the Spirit of Life, hope for the community of Earth and love of the sacred in one another be ours now, and in all the days to come."