What is a color wheel?
The color wheel consists of three primary colors (red, yellow, blue), three secondary colors (colors created when primary colors are mixed: green, orange, purple) and six tertiary colors (colors made from primary and secondary colors, such as blue-green or red-violet).
Did professional football play a normal length season in the 2020/2021 football season?
Frontier life was easy especially for the women.
True or false
False it was very hard.
You wear me every day. but you never put me on. I will change colors if you leave me out too long. What am I?Ii
Your skin
What year was the first super bowl played?
Who was Georgia O'Keef?
Georgia O’Keefe was an American abstract painter, famous for the purity and colors of her still-life compositions.
What happens in soccer when a player gets yellow carded?
Player gets a warning.
Which Mexican general was defeated in Texas by Sam Houston?
General Santa Anna
When you are looking for something and find it way is it always in the last place you look?
Because when you find it. you stop looking
In basketball what is it called if you take a few steps while holding the ball?
What are the primary colors?
What sport is called our national pastime?
What US Senator gave the speech about the need to advance the lives of African Americans in 1867?
Thaddeus Stevens
I open to close but I close to open, what am I?
A draw bridge.
How many fouls does it take for you to have to leave a game of basketball?
What was James Whistler's famous painting called?
Whistler's Mother
How many yellow cards in one game equal a red card in that same game?
What system of work was established in the south to replace slavery?
Share Cropping
A horse jumps over a castle and lands on a man and then the man disappears. How is that possible?
It's a game of chess.
Who founded the game of basketball?
James Naismith
Who was an American artist who was influential in the French Impressionist school of painting?
Mary Cassatt
In what town is the Boston Red Sox spring training facility?
Fort Myers, Florida
The Roman Empire was a time of growth in culture, architecture, and technology. What followed this period was a time chaos, disease, and death known as the________________.
Dark Ages
What fastens (joins) two people but touches only one?
It's a ring.
What sport do you think Mrs. Ryan played when she was in High School? Hint: it is making a comeback
field hockey