Fill In the Blank
Types of Design
Design Thinking

_____ is anyone who interacts with a product (website or app), system, or service.

What is an End User?


A user’s emotion, attitude, and perceptions about a product, system, or service.

What is UX Design?


There are ____ stages in the Design Thinking Process.

(5) Five

______ is the study of targeted end users including their needs, pain points, behaviors, and motivations. 

What is User Research?


Refers to the front-end of an app or website that a user directly interacts with through a device, i.e. a phone or laptop.

What is UI Design?


The stage in the design thinking process where we research our users’ needs, to understand the problem we’re trying to solve.

What is Empathize?


_____ is how a product looks, and what a user sees including color, fonts & typography, etc.

What is User Interface (UI)?


Refers to the customer’s perception of their experience with a business or a brand.

What is Customer Experience (CX)?


The stage in the design thinking process, where we define the problem statement from our users’ perspective.

What is Define?


______ refers to how a product looks, while _____ refers to how a product feels to a user. 

What is UI and UX?


_____ refers to the practice of designing interactive digital products considering how users will interact with them.

What is Interactions Design (IxD)?


Wireframing happens during this stage.

What is the Ideate/Ideation stage?


______ is evaluated by a select group of users before a product is launched to the public, to evaluate solutions in the last stage of the Design Thinking Process.

What is Beta Testing?


What is UI Design?


____ is the stage in the design thinking process, where we create ideas/solutions to the problem statement we’ve defined.

What is Ideate?