This aptly named term describes programmed cell death
What is "Apoptosis"
These structures found in some mammals, are not considered separate bones, rather projections of the frontal bone
What are "Horns"
This species of bird was once noted to "darken the skies when flying in flocks overhead" and had a population that may have numbered in the billions, but went fully extinct on September 1st 1914?
What is "the Passenger Pigeon"
(Ectopistes migratorius)
These are the most numerous or common pet in the United States
What are "Freshwater Fish"
Due to the influence of pop culture this birds call is generally mistaken for that of a Red-Tailed hawk, and in reality has a rather meek call
What is "the Bald Eagle"
This type of Bacteria are described as rod-shaped.
What is "Bacilli"
(Bacillus also accepted)
The number of chamber(s) that the amphibian heart has
(Please include "chamber(s)" in your answer)
What are "3 chambers"
This United States President was know as "The Conservation President"
Who is "Theodore Roosevelt"
(Teddy accepted)
Alligators (Alligatoridae) are only native to the United States and this country
What is "China"
"Leaving my trash by the water is fine because it's just me doing it this one time, how much harm can it do"
This potentially used statement is described by this economic and conservational concept
What is "The Tragedy of The Commons"
These organelle structures, internal to the mitochondria, are the more precise sites of ATP synthesis as a result of oxidative phosphorylation
What are "Cristae folds"
(Internal membrane also accepted)
This external anatomical feature is unique to, and shared by, most Salmon, Catfish, and Smelts
What is an "Adipose Fin"
This aptly named occurrence refers to large scale exodus of algae from the tissue of marine invertebrates, turning them white. This Occurs due to Increasing water temperatures as well as ocean acidification.
What is "Coral Bleaching"
Despite their name, Horseshoe Crabs (Limulidae) are not actually Crabs. Instead they belong to this subphyla.
What is "Chelicerata"
(Chelicerates also accepted)
This term describes a type of tropism found in plants that dictates growth towards or away from a tactile stimulus
What is "Thigmotropism"
This group of animals develop a particular opening in the embryo first during blastopore stage, and include arthropods, annelids, mollusks, nematodes, among others
What are "Protostomes"
This sensory organ is used by snakes and lizards to "smell" chemicals in their environment
Hint: it is named after a person
What is "the Jacobson's Organ"
This predatory mammal once ranged across the southern united states, but now has a population under 200 and is restricted to the everglades
What is "the Florida Panther"
(Puma concolor)
Multiple species of fish that have been observed to aestivate for up to thirty years in arid environments
What are "Lungfish"
This term is used to describe chemical signaling used by bacteria to coordinate and trigger density dependent activities such as nutrient gathering
What is "Quorum Sensing"
(Quorum Signaling also accepted)
This iron-sulfur protein used in many metabolic processes, takes an electron from photosystem I to the final electron acceptor NADP+ during the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis
What is "Ferredoxin"
This mammalian order has a crop
What is "a Pangolin"
This animal species kills over 150 million amphibians, 470 million reptiles, and an even more shocking estimate of other animals, every year in the United States alone
What is "the domestic Cat"
(Felis catus)
This species of bird whose native range includes Wisconsin (and Madison), utilize a call that many birders describe with the mnemonic "Cheeseburger" as well as a call that sounds like the species common name
What is "the Black-capped Chickadee"
(Poecile atricapillus)
("Chickadee" also accepted)
This term describes a common variation in marsupial reproduction involving the female releasing a fertilized embryo after the death or weaning of a pouch baby.
What is "Embryonic Diapause"