The underwear inside a Chubbies short is called...
a liner
Will we have the supply to maintain the $40 sale from Chubbies?
YES... hopefully
True OR False: Oneill only carries swim shorts
Gunnar's middle name is
Magic Swim
TRUE OR FALSE: There are no tops allocated to shop 47 .... they are all under 94 technically
Oneill shorts are measured in length by ____
The largest organism in the known universe is
An Aspen tree grove in Colorado
The light khaki color of Chubbies fashion short and pant is called
The #1 selling brand in swim is
Chubbies.... By a mile
The national land animal of Scotland is
The unicorn
Chubbies did $_____ in sales (Fashion and Swim combined)
Our current margin 47 is ______
Oneill is famous for inventing the ____
Wet suit!
An octothorpe is more commonly known as
a hashtag
The number one selling Chubbies swim short LY was
5.5" dino delight magic swim
_____ percentage was commissioned out of swim last year.
The founder of the Oneill brand was
Jack Oneill
The name of the 16th Roman emperor is
Marcus Aurelius